Thundercracker's therapy

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Fandom(s): Transformers

Characters: Blitzwing, Cloudcover,Dirge, Dreadwing(Mentioned), Knock Out, Ramjet, Skyquake (Mentioned), Skywarp, Slipstream (Mentioned), Sunstorm, Thundercracker

Description: Thundercracker goes to therapy because of the stress of dealing with some of those under his command.

Setting: the Nemesis, Mission City(flashbacks only)

"So tell me what bothers you." Cloudcover asked while sitting on a chair next to him lay Thundercracker who was laying down on a couch. "My team is full of idiots and due to Slipstream and Dreadwing being elsewhere, I have to deal with idiots all by myself." Thundercracker said while trying to relax on the couch. "I see, can you explain how these idiots caused so much trouble?" Cloudcover asked. "Ok while Dirge and Skyquake are actually competent or at least don't cause me much trouble. Thrust doesn't do much in action and, after all, he is just a tactician and of course you don't cause much trouble. But the rest. Let's start off with Sunstorm and Ramjet." Thundercracker tone shifts toward anger at the last 2 sentences.

(Flashback whooooo)

Buildings were in ruins with the streets littered with corpses of humans and cybertronians. The Autobots and Decepticons were still fighting in what was known to the humans as Mission city. Yelling, screaming, explosions, gunfire, and of course blaster fire can be heard everywhere. "Sunstorm! Take out those Autobots!" Thundercracker ordered whilst pointing at a group of Autobots that were firing at them. Sunstorm flew toward the group of Autobots but before shooting, he hovered thanks to thrusters that was on his heel right in front of the Autobots "Oh it's such an honor it be an adversary to such a group of brave--" Sunstorm said in a bowing gesture before he was shot on the thrusters on his left foot. This resulted in Sunstorm spiraling out of control before slamming onto the side of a skyscraper and then fell to the ground below creating a large crater on the pavement which put Sunstorm out of commission.

Thundercracker groans at Sunstorm's incompetence, Thundercracker quickly makes a plan to bring down a building using missiles to create some cover and hopefully crush some Autobots. "Ramjet, use those missiles to bri--" Thundercracker noticed that Ramjet was not beside him, he quickly looked around and spotted Ramjet firing missiles at some Autobots while laughing maniacally. And before Thundercracker can order him to fire at a building, Ramjet tries to ram a Autobot with his head but the Autobot quickly went out of the way and Ramjet instead struck a wall which knocked Ramjet unconscious. Thundercracker would've facepalmed or expressed his annoyance and frustration with any physical gesture but couldn't because he had to take cover while still being shot at.

(Back to the present)

"Sunstorm talks when he should be firing at the enemy and Ramjet is too impulsive and quick to blow things up before I can give my orders." Thundercracker said with frustration clearly in his voice. "I see....what about the others that are currently under your command?" Cloudcover asked while writing something down. "The other one under my command that I did not mention is Skywarp. He causes me the most frustration." Thundercracker's voice was laced with anger. "How does Skywarp make you feel frustrated? Skywarp is really good in combat especially with the fact he can teleport." Cloudcover asked while sitting more upright. "It's not his use as a warrior that infuriates me, it's his antics." Thundercracker replied with a groan.

(Montage time.....I guess)

Dirge was talking to himself while standing at the top of a flight of stairs. "Death comes to he who crosses me. I will sit on a throne over the corpses of my enemies. I must become a master of fear to make my enemies quake and flee. Many will flee and cower when they hear the sound of my engin-ahh" Dirge was cut off when Skywarp teleported behind him and pushed him down the stairs. Dirge moaned in pain when he finally landed on the ground with Skywarp laughing and pointing at Dirge.

Blitzwing woke up only to realize he was taped to the ceiling. "Huh? What the!" Blitzwing spoke while struggling to break free from his tape prison. Blitzwing gave up when he realized he couldn't break out of it so he scanned the room for help and spotted Skywarp holding his laughter with a roll of tape on hand.

Knockout opened the door to the infirmary when a bucket of white paint fell on top of Knockout's head. Knockout quickly removed the bucket that covered his head and threw it to the ground and looked in horror at the white paint messing up his paint job. "Okay, who is the comedian that did this!" Knockout demanded while taking out his saw blade. Skywarp burst into laughter and before Knockout could attack him, Skywarp teleported away.

(Now back at Cloudcover's office)

"I see." Cloudcover continued writing. "What do you recommend?" Thudnercracker asked. "There is nothing you can do about it, Sunstorm is a sycophant because he was programmed to be one, remember what happened to the other Sunstorm? Ramjet is way too insane and stupid to be helped and finally Skywarp......... .There is nothing you can do about Skywarp. But how have you been dealing with the stress before you came to me for this session?" Cloudcover concluded. "Energon wine. And really? What is the point of me coming here if you can't help." Thundercracker was not pleased with these results and that Cloudcover didn't know how to help him in dealing with this. "Oh look at the time this session is now over. Please leave my office." Cloudcover speaks in a hurry. Thundercracker growls at the fact that he can do nothing about dealing with those 3 idiots and leaves Cloudcover's office.

Author's note: this is probably the longest chapter I have ever written....and it's for a side story.

You can make suggestions and I will probably consider them.

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