Justice is served

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The Nemesis, Decepticon Flagship

"If it pleases you, Lord Megatron. Once Soundwave decodes the remainder of the Icacon database, as we know he will. I would recommend the deployment of an underutilized asset." Airachnid suggests, Soundwave is typing on a computer and Thrust was on the opposite side of the room doing a similar task. "And what asset would that be, Airachnid?" Megatron asks with his back facing Airachnid. "I believe that with my superior tracking skills would expedite your quest to recover the remaining relics." She says while kneeling down. "Noted." Megatron said with his eyes looking at Airachnid, his body didn't turn to face her. She gets up and says "You're a gracious audience, my lord. Soundwave." She then walks away and leaves the room, the door closing when she leaves. "Remind me of her trustworthiness." Megatron says and turns to face Soundwave. Soundwave plays back a recording "I believe we must consider the possibility of a future without Megatron." Megatron then says. "Contact the DJD, tell them that Airachnid is now at the top of their list and to get here as soon as possible." Soundwave nods. "Yes Lord Megatron." Soundwave spoke in a gravelly voice that was vocoded.

Dreadwing was checking up on weapons before he got a call. "Dreadwing." Dreadwing turned to the screen and saw Megatron. "I'm at your beck and call, Lord Megatron." Dreadwing with a gesture that showed his loyalty. "I wish to entrust you with a task I would normally reserve for myself. That is if you wish to prove yourself worthy of becoming my first lieutenant." Megatron said to Dreadwing. "That post belongs to Airachnid." Dreadwing replied. "She will be missed. I suggest you bring backup, she can be a handful especially when cornered." Megatron ends the call.

"Lord Megatron. Forgive me for questioning your methods. But why send Dreadwing? You've already called the Decepticon Justice Division to go after Airachnid. Or why didn't you mention the DJD to Dreadwing? Did you even inform the DJD that Dreadwing will also attempt to execute Airachnid?" The Decepticon tacticon asks. "Because Thrust, it's a test for Dreadwing to see if he is worthy of becoming my first lieutenant and it's to ensure that Airachnid has no chance of survival. And the DJD is well aware of how loyal Dreadwing is and they are informed of his involvement." Megatron answers. Thrust is still confused by Megatron's logic but doesn't say anything.

The Peaceful Tyranny, Decepticon Justice Divison's ship.

Koan is petting The Pet. "Remember, Dreadwing and his backup are just here to escort our target for her execution. She is unaware that she has been designated for termination. So remember not to attack them." Tarn ordered. "Also leave the Pet on the ship, we can't leave our ship unguarded." Koan then sighs and complies with the order. "So do we work with Dreadwing to kill her?" Tesarus asked. "She is as dangerous as she is cunning." Helex answers. "Why are spiders so untrustworthy? Why isn't Tarantulas on our list?" Kaon asks. Vos speaks in old cybertronian. "That is true Vos." Koan replied. The ships known as the Peaceful Tyranny lands in the forest. The DJD left the ship and went to hunt down the traitor.

Some forest,

"Am I the only one here who considers this to be a bit overkill on lord Megatron's part? I mean, dispatching two of his most proficient warriors to track down one unconfirmed energon spike." Airachnid asks while walking in this foggy dry forest. She was accompanied by Breakdown and Dreadwing. "Megatron knows that Dreadwing and I will get the job done." Breakdown answers. "Actually I was referring to Dreadwing and myself." Airachnid corrected, Breakdown was getting angry at this insult and approached Airachnid. "Breakdown! Remain on task this should be a unified effort." Dreadwing says in an attempt to get Breakdown calm. "Indeed Breakdown. I know we have never seen eye to eye. That doesn't mean we can't patch things up." Airachnid taunts and winks. Breakdown was wearing a patch after losing his right eye in an earlier incident. Breakdown was losing his temper but a shot was heard. They turned to see that the Decepticon Justice Division had arrived.

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