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Soundwave has sent me to infiltrate some human government organization called Refinoc Biowaste Management. I disguised myself as a researcher and it was easier than I expected. I was tasked to find out what they were experimenting on and if it can be used for the Decepticon cause or if it is a threat to us. It has only been 20 stellar cycles since Megatron's apparent demise in Chicago, how far we have fallen to resort to hiding like cowards. It was only fitting that we were reduced to this when Starscream took command. Well let's get started, I want to get out of this miserable planet filled with these insects as soon as possible.

To the humans I was a new lab assistant, just a guy who unprofessionally wears a cap and looks like some dude ripped from the "mid-2000s". I need to get into the server room or any room that houses the database and download the information to some primitive human technology called a Universal Serial Bus, then I will have to make an escape and deliver it to Lazerbeak. We couldn't send the information directly to the Nemesis because the signal will be detected by the humans. Hopefully nothing goes wrong. After finishing my "job" being an assistant, I left the lab in search of the server room. After making my way through many hallways I finally found the server room. I first looked around to see if anyone was watching. Seems that I'm in the clear, how convenient, I transformed to my robot mode and unlocked the door. And I entered, huh no security, are these humans stupid?well at least it makes my job easier I said and it didn't take me long to download the files I needed and it triggered no alarms, I must be really better at this than I thought. I exited the server room after downloading files in a Universal Serial Bus and transformed to my human mode. I placed the Universal Serial Bus in my coat pocket. It was getting late and this is when some employees should leave and this included me. This job is really easy. I hope nothing goes wrong......

Such terrible timing, the building lights turned to red light and alarms were blaring. Containment breach was a word many humans yelled out and I got lost in the mess of the hallway that seemed like a maze. Damn this planet to the pit! Many screams can be heard and as much as I want to mock them I was also in immediate danger. I ran across many hallways, and the hallways were littered with corpses, blood and strangely black cubes. I avoided touching the cubes as I don't know what would happen if I did. I went to one of the rooms that housed some of the experiments and I peeked inside one of the rooms to find a vent to crawl in but instead I saw a human child with long blond hair, wearing some outfit used for patients, backed toward the wall. Her face expressed fear and her right arm was missing with bone sticking out and her left hand seemed to dissolve. But on both of her wounds is what looks like steam coming off of it. In front of the blonde girl was another older looking girl with white hair. The girl was wearing a shoulderless sweater, pants that were ripped and tattered which reached only above her knees, and some boots. The white hair girl had long bone-like arms that almost touched the floor. And the girl had 3 transparent wing like appendages on each side, looking like blades but they didn't look like they connected with the girl or each other, it kinda resembles wings. Above the girl's head was a transparent red circle with a X in the center and with a triangle which points to the girl's head. Smoke was now obscuring my view of them. "Please, I don't understand what I did wrong-" the girl, presumably the blonde one, pleaded before she was cut off with a loud sound that sounded like something getting cut. I didn't flee because I was too curious about what that white hair girl was.

After the smoke clears I can see the corpse of the blond girl, her head was sliced horizontally in half with blood and cubes coming out of it and there was steam coming from where she was cut. The white hair girl turned around and spotted me. I ran away, I don't want to be offlined on this backwater planet and especially not from its inhabitant's abominations. I thought I ran away from that abomination but I felt my left leg cut off, I immediately fell toward the ground and slammed my face on the ground. I turned around and saw the white hair girl slowly approaching me. I had a good lock on her face, she had 2 gunmetal gray hair clips, but her eyes was pitch black with a black substance dripping from her face, she had a large smile with unnaturally sharp teeth which I didn't even think this species could even possess, and she had drool dripping from her mouth. I had no hope of fleeing because this thing cut off my foot. So I did what I could and led for my life and transformed to my robot mode. "H-Hey, p-please don't kill me. I-i can help you, I can take down those who did this to you." I took out the Universal Serial Bus and the girl, with her bone like hands, took it and tilted her head but her expression didn't change. I calmed down, now that there was some hope I can get out of this alive."We can take down the species responsible. All you have to do is let me live. We might be able to undo this." These were lies of course, the reason I didn't fight back was because this thing might attack faster than I can shoot, but the second this thing lets her guard down I will kill her. I thought I convinced her but I noticed her other hand slightly moved and in an instant everything went black.

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