[NC] where do baby drones come from?

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Note: this story is not canon to the AU. Also probably the worst thing I have written so far.

Hotrod and his new friend, Thad, are enjoying the nice weather of radiation and heavy snowstorms. But they're robots and can't get cold....or get radiation poisoning. But in this particular evening the snowstorm is really calm. Hotrod is standing up while Thad is sitting on his shoulder.

"So Hotrod. I was wondering.... How do your species reproduce? Since you're like living things but just happen to be machines." Thad asks Hotrod, he has been wondering about this for a while now.

"So us Cybertronians are forged in multiple ways. Naturally we rise as protoforms from the Cybertron itself or we can have our sparks placed in pre-built bodies. Or in the war a new way of creating soldiers was having them hatch from energon wombs. There were other ways but I never paid attention in those lessons." Hotrod said to Thad.

"That's really interesting, it's kinda weird." Thad says, he hoped it didn't rub Hotrod the wrong way.

Hotrod spotted a drone couple holding a baby. They happily walk with their child with smiles on their faces and the baby laughing.

"So Thad.......how do drones make those smaller baby drones? Since I was told all the worker drone factories have been offline for years." Hotrod asked.

Thad whispers the answer to Hotrod's audio receptors. After Thad was done with his explanation Hotrod's optics went wide in a shocked expression and he is visibly disgusted. "Really? That's gross." Hotrod said, disgusted by the information he has been told.

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