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Will update and change this consistently.

This is just a timeline of events of this universe so far:

Pre War Cybertron:


The entity known as "The One"(maybe God) created twins along with reality. Primus the lord of light and represents good and order. Unicron the lord of chaos and represents evil and destruction. After eons of fighting Primus trapped Unicron and himself into two metallic planetoids. Unicron made his prison into a planet form and later a robot body. Primus transformed his prison into the planet Cybertron and created the first 13 primes. Primus and the 13 primes defeated Unicron but only put him in a deep sleep. Primus made more creations which eventually became the transformer race in preparation for Unicron's inevitable return and went to a deep slumber so that Unicron could not track him. Before Primus's slumber he created the Matrix of Leadership.

Age of Rust:

Cybertron was under a Functionalist society where citizens were in a caste system depending on alternate mode. A miner forged in Kaon designated D-16, tired of the mistreatment and cruelty of the caste system, competed in illegal gladiatorial fights and made a name for himself. The crowd named him Megatronus, later shortened to Megatron, after one of the 13 primes (Megatronus is also known as the "Fallen", so that is some foreshadowing). After a while Megatron gained a following and began making speeches about the cruelty of this society and it is time to make a change. Many fellow lower caste and middle class citizens join the movement known as the Ascenticons. The speeches reached the higher classes, and a young bot named Orion Pax, a data clerk, was enlightened by these speeches. He befriended Megatron but while Orion wanted the change to happen peacefully but Megatron wanted to change through force.

When they gained an audience with the high council, the council called the Acenticons the Decepticons for "deceiving" the public and blamed them for acts of terrorism (they may or may not be actually responsible for that). Megatron accepts the name Decepticons because "if telling the truth was deception then they gladly plead guilty". Orion was appointed as a Prime. Megatron felt betrayed by this as he interpreted this as a grab for power and that a higher class bot reaped the benefits of his hard work. This caused a falling out between the two. After a trial Orion managed to reach the Core of Cybertron and was awarded the Matrix of Leadership and renamed Optimus Prime. The Autobots were formed and followed Optimus. Eventually the Great War began.

Great War:


Folk hero John Henry meets a large yellow machine man.


Charlie Watson is born.


Autobots are driven out of Cybertron.

The Autobots land on Earth, with some Decepticons following them.


Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes are born.


Battle of Mission City occurs. (Flashback scenes from Thundercracker's therapy)


Battle of Egypt occurs.


The chapter "Justice is severed" takes place


Battle of Chicago takes place. Megatron is presumed dead and AllSpark is presumed lost. Starscream has taken command of the remaining Decepticons.

Post-War Cybertron:

Autobots have gained control of a rebuilt and revived Cybertron. (It died between mid-2000s and 2013, how? I don't know, I haven't made up a reason yet)

Starscream is now trying to reform the decepticon as many went into hiding or fled after the Battle of Chicago.


Kirie and Max are born.


First containment breach happens in Reinfonic Biowaste Management. Kirie is infected.


Second containment breach happens, Kirie escapes.

The chapter "Infiltration" takes place.


Internecion Cube takes place.


Decepticons burned down and killed all the Quintessons. Much to Blitzwing's delight.


Events of Oil and Energon/Murder drones take place.

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