Quick update/Sick days

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Hello! Am here (AKA the writer/editor) and I'd like to let you know, we're going to have a bit of s dry patch for a while, since I'm working on the plot for a whole new story, and Break is almost over, and we have to move before November, and stuff and mentally I'm a derpy cow who's ✨literally on fucking fireee✨ becuase of ✨burn ouuut✨ and I haven't posted in. 7 DAYS. so here ya go

"I'm not sick Willow!" Hunter groaned, visibly frustrated and desperately trying to get out of the basement

"No! Hunter! You are not well!" She exclaimed, shoving him onto the couch

"I give up" He said, burying his face in his pillow and accepting that he was, in fact sick.

"It's just human sickness. It'll pass"

The next few minutes were spent making Hunter a burrito as so he could not escape the 'contaminated zone' as Luz had called it.

Completely delusional, Hunter began talking about the plot of one of the season finales of a show he'd watched

(A/N it's my hc that Hunter has interest in 2010's shows fight me)

"So basically, there's two sides to the Creek, the side with no rules to play, and the side across the overpass, with a king, King Xavier. but how did this get found out? Well, one episode, Craig Jp and Kelsey find these Honeysuckles that came from a split in the Creek and they found the Honeysuckle bushes that are on the other side and they take the, to the trading tree where you trade stuff for snacks, Kit (the manager of the trading tree) has been able to trade them out for soooo much so she goes with the 3 to the overpass where they meet he green poncho who tells them to never come back, buuuut if you go forward, Craig gets into this other side..."

Hunter was talking constantly about this topic and Willow couldn't help but find it adorable how much he enjoyed talking about it, and fell asleep listening to his voice. He didn't notice.

"And then, they find these flags from the great capture the flag war, and Xavier messes with kit's grades, infiltrates the free side, and now there's a second CTF war, and whoever's team loses, their captain has to leave the creek for good and if Craig wins, everyone can play how they want, if Xavier wins, they have to surrender to the ranks!"

He talked for hours about different shows until he fell asleep to, with Willow next to him.


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