Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 is finally up!

All rights go to Susan Collins

I stand there shocked. I start walking up so that people don't suspect I'm nervous of anything. I smirk and walk up stage acting so proud to be going into the games when in reality I'm freaking out.

"I'm not ready!" I think. There are still 2 years left till I'm supposed to go into the arena. I mean I have the skills but I still need more training! Plus I have to go against Cato. The one person in the whole district who actually has a chance to kill me. Not that I'll ever let him know that.

I wait for someone to volunteer for me and then I realize.

Of course no one is going to volunteer for me. I'm the best female in the whole academy!

Citrus moves on as no one has yet to volunteer.

"And now for the boys" She says all hyped up

"Axel Hadley" Citrus shouts

Cato's brother. He is very protective over him because his older brother Rain died in the games and he is the only one left that he loves because his parents don't really care about him. If Cato wasn't going to volunteer before (which I doubt) he definitely is now.

"I volunteer!" Cato shouts lunging forward

"What's your name dear? Citrus asks Cato when he makes it to the stage

"Cato Hadley" he says. He has a cold look on his face but I can tell it is forced.

"Shake hands dears," Citrus says. You almost can't hear it over all the cheering. All of district 2 knows that one of us is coming back.

I do not want to shake hands with Cato. But for the sake of just getting over this, I shake it. His hand is hot to the touch like he has been freaking out about this moment for hours now.

I wonder if mine feels the same after all that has happened. I'm just hoping he can't tell.

We are guided to the back and into separate rooms as we get greeted.

My door opens not long after I arrive.

My brother walks in.

He hugs me and I hug him. We stay that way for a little but until he lets go.

"Listen. We don't have much time left. Enobaria and Brutus are your mentors this year. Not me or mom or dad."

He's talking quickly. So quickly I'm having a tiny bit of trouble keeping up

"Even though you aren't supposed to be going into the games until the 76th, you will be fine. You have trained all your life and although you might now think you're ready, you are. Trust me."

"Ok" I respond quietly

"This is for you. Your district token. It was Adeline's token. They brought it back with her body and I thought you might want it

I stare at it. It's a necklace with an beautiful emerald inside

"Thank you so much"

We hug 1 more time when peacekeepers come to take him away.

"I'll be waiting for you when you come back! See you in a couple of weeks!"

And with that the door shuts behind him.

I put on my necklace as I wait

I wait for about ten more minutes and I hear voices through the walls.

Why does Cato have to have so many visitors!

Finally we are collected to go to the train station. As we are on our way there I think about how my own parents didn't even come to visit me.

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