Chapter 10

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I look out the window to see tons and tons of colorful blobs of things? Or People? Yes, people.

There are probably thousands of people here to see us!

We exit the car with Citrus leading. Me and Cato are behind her and then it is our mentors.

Me and Cato glare and smirk at the crowd

They are all fawning over us and cheering until the District 4 train comes in.

Ugh. What's so special about them?

When I enter the building I'm whisked away to the remake center and I'm dying

They wax me down and wash my hair like 100 times. When I finally think they are done they just keep doing more things!

If it is bad for me and I live in District 2 where we at least get decent showers. I can't imagine how bad it is for the district 12 tributes.

After what feels like an eternity they are finally done.

My prep team leaves and my stylist comes in not long after.

His name is Herald and his hair is spiky and purple. He has long purple eyes lashes and his eyebrows dyed a pinkish purple. He has a nose and lip piercing and a slickey bracelet looking thing

"Why hello Clove! What a pleasure it is to finally meet you! I have styled everyone in your family! Did you know that! I did your mother, father, and your siblings Adeline and Griffin. You know how unfortunate dear Adeline didn't make it back. She was a really sweet girl."

Herald just keeps talking and talking and I zone out around halfway through

He finishes what he is saying and I come back to reality.

"Well I think we should get you dressed!!"

He claps his hands and a moment later there is a black bag that seems to be holding my outfit.

He takes it out of the bag and it is a gold armor looking thing with a matching skirt like bottom.

He puts it on me and it is actually quite heavy

"Hmmm. You're a little smaller than I expected so I'll have to tweak it a bit. But it's nothing I can't do!"

I roll my eyes. I am always told that I am so short and small. Well if anyone in that arena thinks that I'm going to be weak then I'm going to prove them wrong.

After he finishes tweaking the last little bits he starts on my hair

He puts in 2 low intricate buns and then starts on my makeup.

He takes some gold eyeshadow and applies it on. He also takes some gold eyeliner and some nudish pink lipstick and also puts it on.

Herald leaves after he is finished and I look at myself in the mirror. I look fierce but in an almost costume type of way.

I like it yet hate it at the same time.

Herald comes back with a headpiece that has these wing-like things on top and is kind of like a helmet.

He puts it on top of my head and it feels like I'm carrying the world on top of my head. Well maybe that's an exaggeration but it is darn heavy.

"Well don't you just look stunning! You look like a real warrior Clover!"

I turn around glaring at Herald

"Don't call me Clover." I say, my words like venom

Herald looks scared and then backs away. Enobaria comes in and looks at me with a knowing look.

"Clove I know that the stylist and prep team can be a lot. But don't scare them. They make you look good to the crowd."

"I don't need to look good. I just need to fight!"

"Just listen to me alright!" She says in a very demanding voice. I know better than to mess with her so I obey. This is just so stupid!!

I'm escorted out to the chariots where I find Cato in an outfit similar to mine.

Cato is talking to the Glimmer by her chariot. Marvel is just standing there looking very uncomfortable and is basically just a third wheel.

I go over to the horses and stroke their mane.

"Well Well Well. If it isn't Clove Kentwell the daughter and sister of Howard Kentwell, Laney Kenwell and Griffin Kenwell."

I turn around and see Marvel there.

"You know your facts don't you." I say

"What do you think of 12? They stole the show a bit, don't you think?"

I look over at the district 12 tributes and see them in a black leotard looking thing. They look pathetic as usual and definitely won't be getting any recognition from that.

"Ya but it doesn't really matter. They don't seem to look like anything special. They'll forget about them soon enough."

I look back to where Sparkles and Cato are and I see Cato looking upset. He almost looks jealous.

He walks over clearly annoyed.

"So Marvel. Nice to meet you. I'm Cato. I see you have already met Clover." Cato says

"I have told you this over and over! Don't call me Clover! Whatever. I'll have a knife at your throat soon enough."

"Oh so you two have like hung out before?"

Marvel asks

"You could say that" I say coldly.

Sparkles seems to be feeling left out as she bounces over to us.

"Heyyy guyssss!" She says all bubbly. "I'm Glimmer!! I already met Cato and Marvel so who might you be cutie!"

"It's Clove. Now get out of my face." I say disgusted

"Clover is like this all the time. No hard feelings." Cato says

"Call me Clover again and I break your nose"

I spit

"Aren't you a feisty little one!" Marvel isn't this just adorable!!"

Marvel seems to be containing his laugher from this whole encounter

"Whatever Sparkles. Just stay away from me."

Sparkles is about to say something else when music starts blasting.

Glimmer and Marvel leave as me and Cato get into our chariot

"Someone looked a little jealous." I tell Cato

"As if. Why would I be jealous of a little weak brat like you."

It takes all my might not to punch him in the face.

"Oh so I'm weak? Wasn't I the one who impressed Brutus? And weren't you the one who was told to step it up? If anything it seems like you are the weak one." I say back recalling what happened this morning.

"Alright you two that's enough bickering" Enobaria says coming over

"What you're going to do is stare ahead of you. Glare at the crowd. Show them that you are tough and not ones to be messed around with." Brutus explains.

Me and Cato nod and they walk away. Our chariot starts to move as the as everything ahead of us gets bigger and brighter.

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