Chapter 11

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Sorry it took so long for me to post this chapter! I had writers block. It is going to take a bit longer for me to get chapters out because I don't have any really big ideas. Anyways these next couple chapters aren't going to be as strong as some of the past ones. Anyways enjoy and thank you for almost 300 reads!

I start to hear these cheers getting louder and louder the closer I go. Finally I make it out and I am almost blinded by the bright lights and colors.

Everyone is screaming so loudly.


All the attention seems to be on 2 and 1. Well it was until I start hearing chants of District 12

I turn my head and look back to see why on earth people would be chanting for them.

I see the tributes from 12 waving and smiling with their outfits on fire! This makes me so angry. We are supposed to be in the spotlight, not them! Why couldn't I have gotten their stylist instead of my stupid one. Then they start holding hands and they lift them in the air.

The crowd goes crazy. They are all screaming and throwing flowers at them. I turn back and face the front staring daggers at the crowd. There are still a couple people cheering for us, but it is mostly for District 12

We make it to the end of the circle and the cheering dies down as president Snow enters the stage

"Welcome!" His voice echoes loudly across the whole stadium."Welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games!"

I zone out right about there thinking about District 12. I don't get it! They are the weakest District in all of Panem! Yet people are cheering for them like crazy.

"May the odds be ever in your favor" Snow finishes

The chariots start moving again and soon enough we are back

I jump off the chariot and am about to run off when Cato grabs my arm.

"Wait. Stay."

I turn around and glare at him.

"They just have a cool costume. They are still from District 12 where people starve to death most of the time. Plus all those tributes did in the bloodbath basically every year."

I'm surprised. He actually did help.

"Plus if you are here we can scare them off."

I see District 12 out of the corner of my eye and glare at them. Cato joins me couple seconds after

They are talking with their mentor and they spot us. They end up going back to their rooms

I roll my eyes. How pathetic. They can get the attention of the sponsors but they are still they weak kids from District 12

Our stylists and mentors come over and I lash out at them

"Great job. You know, did you try to make us look pathetic? While we were here in these stupid gold suits, district t 12 was on fire! You said we look amazing but no one was cheering for us!"

If I had a knife on me I would throw it at Heralds head.

"Clove calm down. That was a new stylist. Apparently he has a few tricks up his sleeve." Enobaria says

"How about we all just head up and get to sleep. Big day tomorrow. It's the first training session and you need to show everyone that you guys are the ones to fear." Brutus says

"You guys know the drill. Show off your strengths to the other tributes and the other careers. Even though you guys are working together you want them to fear you and know that you two are in charge."

Almost everyone cleared out during our chat and we decide to head up as well

I'm amazed how the place looks. It's even nicer than the train if that's possible!

There are so many different chairs that all look so soft and comfortable, a golden rim table with tall golden chairs, then 3 different halls. Our stylist and Escort go down one hall while our mentors go down the other. I guess that mean me and Cato get the other hall.

We start walking and then Cato starts talking. Doesn't he know I don't want to hear anything he says!

"Little Clover seems upset" He coos

"Oh shut up"

He chuckles

"What are you so worried about? Sure they have a lot of sponsors but when we kill them in the arena we will gain all of them for killing them."

"Oh so we are a WE now? Last night you came to my room all sad and wanting to apologize. Then this morning you were at the chariots flirting with Ms. Glitter Girly but when you saw me and Marvel talking you were so jealous!"

"I was not jealous! What on earth would I even be jealous of!"

"You were jealous I saw it in your eyes! Also after play Mr. Nice you got on the chariot and we're All snarky and stuff!"

He shoves me into the wall

I grab a knife from the kitchen that I just took and cut his arm. He yells in pain and swings a punch at me that I duck. I try to kick him but he grabs me by my ankle expecting it. He throws me to the floor and that's when our mentors come in

"Oh my goodness. Clove it hasn't even been 5 minutes and you already have a knife in your hand again. You two just can't work together!" Brutus yells

"You two are going to have to figure this out before you get in the arena because you two are going to need each other in there whether you like it or not" Brutus Lectures

"Now get to bed before you create more of a mess" Enobaria says

Me and Cato go our separate ways. Cato's arm is covered in blood and I know that when I wake up I will have bruises all over.

I take off the costume and find an oversized t-shirt that is a dark navy green. I also found black shorts and put them on too.

I wash all the makeup off my face and then climb into bed. I can't wait for the arena. There I will be able to end Cato's life and get the revenge I need.

Hope you enjoyed! I will try to get the next chapter out in a week or two!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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