Chapter 9

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All rights go to Susan Collins

I end up falling asleep until I hear a knock at my door.

I shoot awake grabbing my knife from the dresser.

I put my robe on and hide my knife in it.

When I open the door I see Cato standing there.

Ugh. Why Cato. I actually would prefer a murder instead. Well technically he is going to be one soon but you get the point.

Now that the adrenaline has left I am left feeling tired and groggy.

"Ugh.. it's just you." I say rubbing my eyes still half asleep

"I just....." He starts

He takes a look at me. I'm wearing an oversized red shirt and my hair is down and a mess.

His blue eyes stand out in the dim lighting. His hair is a mess and sticking out in different places like he couldn't sleep.

I stare at him longer wondering what he wants. My glance turns from curiosity to annoyance.

I become fed up with this and turn around "forget it" I say.

I'm about to close the door until he says something he has only said once to me.

The same two words that shocked me the first time he said it and it shocks me again

"I'm sorry"

I'm frozen in shock.

So he does remember. Was he just playing dumb? Or did he just remember?

I turn around. My expression changed from shock to considering what he said.

But that doesn't last long.

"Well I don't forgive you." I spit angrily. Then I slam the door in his face and head back to bed.

I don't hear footsteps at first. But then after about a minute I hear them signaling that Cato has left.

I sigh. This guy is really a brat. He thinks that an apology can fix everything he has done to me. He must be stupid to think that.

The only way he can pay me back is by dying in that arena by my hands. But before that I will outshine him and make him feel weak. I grin evilly and fall asleep


I'm enjoying my sleep until I hear Citrus's annoying voice ring out.

I groan and get out of bed. I see some clothes on my dresser and take a look at them.

It's a fitted green shirt and and a short black skirt that is to short for my liking.

I hate it.

I take my knife and start ripping it into shreds. Once I'm done with it I the dresser drawers and find something better. I find a red shirt (my favorite color) and black pants that are kind of fitted but not to fitted, and walk out.

I see Brutus and Cato when I walk out. It hasn't even been one minute and Cato makes a snarky comment.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Cato snarls.

What happened to the nice, I feel bad Cato who went to my room in the middle of the night?

I glare at him and without a second thought I take one of the knives from the counter and hurl it at him.

Unfortunately he moves his hang out of the way just in time before it pierces his hand and instead lands in the bread.

He drops his pastry but the filling stains his white shirt.

Ha good luck getting that out.

"What the hell!" He shouts trying to get the filling off

Brutus takes the knife out of the bread, not looking upset at all. If anything he looks pleased.

"Send it back to her. Let's see what else you can do with that knife, honey." Brutus says

Cato throws *cough cough* I'm sorry attempts to throw a knife. His form is all wrong but all in all I still catch the knife by the handle like it's no big deal.

I adjust my stance and throw my knife. It flies and lodges in between to panels.

"Good enough honey, Boy you need to step it up."

I grin evilly. My plan is working. I've impressed Brutus and made Cato look weaker.

I take a look at Cato and smirk.

He is furious. I sit down as far away from Cato as I can and start eating my breakfast.

Not long after I hear cheers and know that we are at the Capital.

Let the games begin

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