chapter two

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The day before the event has finally arrived. This was the day when we will be welcoming the Vinsmoke family. My sisters were enthusiastic about it, but unlike them, i was scared. What if what they said is true? What if i do need to marry that Ichiji guy?

I sit on the uncomfortable chair in front of my mirror, these thoughts flooding my mind, when i hear a gentle knock that causes me to snap out of it. I quickly get up from the chair and approach the door with quick footsteps. I open the door to find one of the maids there.
"Lady Y/N, good morning!" The old lady bows slightly. Her greyish hair put in a bit messy bun, apron around her waist on top of the extremely dark purple dress she was wearing, her usual warm smile on her features as usual.

"Donna, good morning, I have not seen you in a while! What might bring you here?" I ask happily, glad that my favourite maid visited me.
"I heard about the guests, and I know you well enough to know that you do not like greeting people. So, I thought you could accompany me on a walk to the town to get fresh ingredients. Maybe the guests will arrive while we are away. You don't have to if you would rather stay." She says as she holds out a hooded cloak.

"Oh my, you do know me well! Thank you, I will change into a different dress and meet you outside my room. It will be quick, I promise" i tell her as I take the cloak from her hand.
"As you wish, princess" she smiles and i close the door.

Donna has always been more of a caretaker than a maid to me, she likely cared for me more than my own mother, it was nice to have someone like her in my life. She knew me well, from what my favourite food is to when i go to sleep and wake up exactly.

I exit my room and find Donna patiently waiting. I give her a warm smile, signaling that I'm ready to go.
"Does mother know about this? I hope she won't panic when the Vinsmokes arrive and she finds out that I'm not even here." I quietly say as we leave the castle.
"I have informed the queen about it. She told us to be back before lunch is served, the guests are likely to arrive around that time" she answers.
"I see, so there's no escape outl of this for me" i sigh and enjoy the warm sunshine and the sound of birds, the green grass and small wildflowers around me dancing in the summer breeze.
"Well, we can just tell her majesty that we got lost on our way here and that's why we were late. Nobody saw anything" she mischievously smiles at me.
"Hm, you're a smart woman, Donna. I like your thinking" i giggle.

We finally reach the town. It was full of busy people, the streets loud from the sound of horses, laughs and the sellers' shouts. The smell of fresh food filling the air.
"I heard that the Vinsmokes are already in town, they might have made a quick stop here, so we need to be careful, Lady Y/N" Donna warns me and I nod, reassuring her that I understood.

We go around the busy town, looking for the right ingredients that we needed back at the castle for tomorrow's event. Donna stops at a stall, looking through the different types of baked goods the man sold. I couldn't help but notice a nearby woman selling fresh fruit. I'll be back really quick.

I walk up to the womans stall, who greets me with a wide smile, and I return it. I look at the fruits, all looking extremely tasty. I pick up an apple.
"That's a good choice, miss! Have you tried it in an apple pie? It's amazing, really" I freeze as I hear a man's voice from behind me. I quickly turn my head around to see a blonde man standing there, wearing a cloak similar to mine.
"Excuse me if I startled you, m'lady." He apologises.
"Oh, no need, I was just a little bit suprised" i send a small smile at the man. "Six of these apples, please" i tell the woman and she gives it to me. I give her the money and thank her.

Just then, I see Donna walking my way, she likely noticed my absence.
"Excuse me, but I need to leave now. It was a pleasure to meet you" I bow my head to the man, who stares at me, a bit taken aback.
"O-of course, miss, go if you have to" he says and starts walking the other way, but stops in his tracks and turns around. "Wait! I haven't gotten your name!" He shouts to me. I stop and my eyes widen. I smile, and reply.
"Y/N! What's yours?" I shout with a big smile. He thinks about it for a moment, but a huge smile appears on his features.
"It's Sanji!" He introduces himself, and walks the other way to a little group, who were seemingly waiting for him.

I chuckle a bit as i head towards Donna, who stood a few metres away, waiting for me.
"Lady Y/N, haven't I told you to be careful?" She scolds me, despite not a hint of anger in her tone. "May I ask who that man was?"
"He said his name is Sanji. We met a few moments ago, he seemed nice." I pause as i think about the man. His smile was so endearing, i could look at it for the rest of my life. "Donna... can we make apple pie? I got a few apples. Want one?" I ask as i open my basket, revealing the fruit that i just bought.
"If you wish for an apple pie, we shall make one. And I'll gladly take an apple, thank you" she says, taking out an apple as we make our way back to the castle, praying that the Vinsmokes have already arrived.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 // 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈Where stories live. Discover now