chapter sixteen

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"You see..." she starts the conversation as she examines my likely broken nose. "There are people who would die to be in your place right now." She says, her voice sounding somewhat spiteful, causing me to have a bad feeling. "And now I am not talking about the fact that you are a princess. It is the marriage."

My eyes widened at her words. The... marriage? When she started I thought it was my rank as a princess, but it's about the marriage? Why would anybody want this guy?!
"E-excuse me?" I stutter, trying to figure out where this is going.
"So you do not even understand... let me make it clear: every girl wants to be in your place right now, because you get to marry Ichiji Vinsmoke. I see you do not even care about your soon-to-be husband at all, so why not just let somebody else do it instead of you? If you love him so much, show it! I have been trying to catch his attention for years, and now you ruined it!" She angrily whispers into my ear. "You could have chosen any other Vinsmoke sibling, why him?!"
"I- You got it all wrong!" I try to defend myself. "It was not my choice! Trust me, I do not love him, I was forced into this! I would love to let somebody else in my place this time!"

She does not say anything, her expression showing hints of surprise. She looked stunned.
"You... do not like Ichiji? And would let me marry him instead?" She asks quietly, the anger from her voice dissapearing.
"Exactly! I support you and Ichiji, and would do anything so that I do not need to marry him!" I exclaim. I might have just found a solution!!
"You would?! That is... amazing! I am terribly sorry for sounding so mad at you!"
"No need!" I hug her. "Marguerite... replace me on the wedding."
"Excuse me? I- I wish I could, but his father would not let us be together, I am a maid..."
"We need to try something! We could make a win-win situation out of this! Look... try to get closer to Ichiji, please. Maybe if you are lucky, you catch his attention, and even save me from this situation!"
"You are right, Lady Y/N... I heard your mother insisted on marrying a Vinsmoke, what if you choose another sibling? The alliance would be still valid! You will live here, your mother will have no say in it! Now, what I suggest is that you try to get to know the others better, and settle with the one you feel the closest with! The next weeks will be enough, right?"
"Right... Thank you, Marguerite!"

We took each others advice. The following week was entirely spent around it. I would sometimes see as Marguerite chats with Ichiji in the halls or corridors of the castle, and I could only hope something happens between them. In the meantime, I tried to form connections with the other Vinsmokes.

Niji was my first try. At first, he seemed nicer than Ichiji, but dissapointment came quickly. Then, I tried to interact with Yonji. Failed.

"And princess Y/N, I know that this marriage is hard for you since you have never met my son before, but your mother insisted that you marry the oldest son. Trust me, I would not let Ichiji marry if I had a choice. Dinner is over, everyone is free to go." Vinsmoke Judge's words appeared in my mind, giving me an idea.

Like Marguerite said, Judge does not care which son of his gets married, even better, he would be happy if they did not marry at all, considering that they need to go on missions. But, there is somebody who never goes on missions...

My mind was consumed by thoughts, but it was broken by Marguerite, out of breath from running so much as she slows down at the sight of me.
"Princess... great news!" She manages to say between big breaths. "There will be a ball... our perfect chance! I can dance with Ichiji, and you with... Sanji, I suppose. Do not worry, every servant knows how you feel about each other, doesn't matter if they heard us right now."
"It is not that obvious! Besides, Sanji might not lik-"
"He does, damn it! It is way too visible! So stop fooling around, and make your move! The ball will be held in three days, prepare yourself mentally!" and with that, she runs off.

I was heading back to my room, mind occupied with thoughts. The upcoming ball is a perfect chance to... what am I thinking? It is not like I am in love with her! But oh...

"Sanji!" I look up from the red carpet I was walking on, and see my only sister standing there.
"What is it, Reiju?" I smile at her, waiting patiently for a response.
"We need to talk. Come in, sit down." She says, motioning for me to go inside her room.

I sit down on her bed, Reiju on the other side of it.
"What did you wish to talk about?" I ask.
"I know you are thinking about the opportunity at the ball. And I also know you are in denial about being in love. And I am here to tell you that you should not deny it. Because everybody can see it. Remember that day when princess Y/N and Ichiji were taking a stroll in the gardens? I saw how you looked at them, I could see the jealousy in your eyes."

I felt like I was being watched from the corner of the corridor. I quickly turn around, but see nobody. Was I just too deep in thought? I recall that day, the feeling of someone watching. So it was Reiju all along...

"Bu-" I start, but get interrupted by the girl.
"No, I do not want to hear it. I know you are thinking if she likes you back, and trust me, she does. And she is not interested in Ichiji at all! I sometimes have little chats with her, I know she has a thing for you! In short, you have a chance! Father would be delighted if you were the one to marry Y/N, and not somebody else from our family who has to go on missions and has genetic modifications. I am sorry but you are an outcast to him, someone who he would gladly sacrifice in the name of marriage. So, I want you to take the first steps at the ball."

Her words finally got to my brain. I had a chance?

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 // 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈Where stories live. Discover now