chapter four

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We waited until they were out of sight, and my parents left the main hall, leaving only me and my sisters.
"Oh my gosh, I cannot believe it! They really are handsome! I knew my friends were telling me the truth!" Cassandra smiles widely, holding her hands together.
"You have friends?" Daniela looks at her.
"That was rude, Dani. Very rude" Cass turns away from her, earning a small giggle from the both of us.

"What now?" Daniela asks.
"Well, mother said that we will have dinner together, so we should just get ready for that. I hope I get to sit next to Ichiji!" My other sister turns back, the smile returning to her face.
"Cass, don't get way too excited! Remember, Y/N will likely marry him, it feels weird that you are trying to steal her man!" Dani scolds her.
"Oh, I'd give him to you for free, there's no need to steal him" I enter the conversation.
"What?! Why?! You don't like him?" Cassandra looks at me with a suprised expression. I gently shake my head in response, meaning that I do not want to be with him.

"Lady Cassandra, Lady Daniela, Lady Y/N, I apologise for interrupting, but your mother said you should start getting ready for dinner." A maid appears.
"But it's just noon! There's still seven hours left until dinner!" Daniela whines.
"It is what her highness asked me to tell. I need to go now, have a good day!" She warmly smiles as she leaves the room.

Slowly, my sisters leave too to prepare for the dinner, spending every minute left to look as good as possible. I leave the main hall and enter my room, switching into a more comfortable dress and get my apron and the apples I bought this morning.

On our way home from the town, Donna told me that we can make the apple pie I asked for after she is done with the tour around the castle with the guests, so I decided to get ready for that. Ever since Sanji told me about the pie back at the town, I couldn't get it out of my head.

When I arrived at the kitchen, there wasn't anybody, likely because it was early to start preparing the dinner yet. I got everything ready while waiting for Donna so that we can get started as soon as possible, hopefully finish before the cooks barge in to start making dinner.

As I stand before the window, lost in thought, I hear the door quietly open. I turn around in a quick motion, and find Donna entering. A smile makes its way onto my face.
"Donna! I'm glad you're here!" I hug the maid. "So, how was it?"
"Lady Y/N, good afternoon!They were mostly quiet, maybe a bit too quiet, but they didn't do anything bad. I think we can say goodbye to our wines though, they already ordered a few bottles. I fear we may not have any by the time they leave." She chuckles.

We got to work right after this. She told me how the tour went, what they said, and everything else.
"There was one blonde boy who seemed to always get a bit left behind. I asked him if he was okay and invited him next to me so that he won't have to walk behind the others. He seemed a bit taken aback, but at the same time happy. I haven't heard much from him, only that the genetic modifications did not work on him. Maybe that is the reason they don't want him to be seen a lot." She mentions. "He looked like the man you were talking with when we were in the town. Is it him?"
"I... I think so. The name and appearance matches. Yes, it is definitely him. He wasn't cold to me like you said. Can it be because the modifications didn't work?" I ask.
"Likely yes. The others were trained to kill and be heartless, it is rumoured that they do not have emotions at all. Poor kids..."

"Wait, mother wants me to marry a man who doesn't even have emotions? That's even worse!" I say with worry in my tone. This just keeps getting worse and worse.
"There have been threats towards your father, and there might be a few people who want to murder the king and queen. It somewhat makes sense that they want to join forces with the Vinsmokes. If the people hear that we made an alliance with the family which has the strongest military, they would be too afraid to attack." She explains.

I can't help but feel as if I'm being watched, but I shake it off after I look around and don't see anybody. It felt like someone has slightly opened the door, but closed it a few seconds after.

I put the finished pie on a white, porcelain plate.
"Do you think we can put this on the dinner table with the other dishes? Only four hours remain, it will only be a bit colder than usual, it won't be ruined in that amount of time." I put the plate on the wooden table in the middle of the kitchen, where the other dishes will be once they are ready.
"Of course, princess. I hope the others will like it, you worked a lot with it" Donna smiles as always.
"You said that like you didn't help me"
"I did help you, but you did most of the things, I was just supervising. We should go up to your room. I'll get you ready an hour before the dinner. We can chat until that, maybe show me your latest paintings you have been working on. The cooks are soon going to come down here, I advise we should leave before that" she says as she opens the door for me.
"Thank you Donna. You are the best!"

Time quickly passed, Donna was really a good companion, listening to me as I explain the story behind my newest paintings and drawings, and helping me get ready for the dinner.

We decided to go with a not really fancy dress, and we kept my hair the same as before. We wanted to be simple. A maid knocks, and quietly comes in, informing me that I should get going, my sisters already being in the dining room.

I take a deep breath before I exit my room. I look back at Donna before whispering a quiet thank you and making my way to the dining room.

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