chapter twelve

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The ride to the Vinsmoke family was quiet, maybe too quiet. I was used to the chatter of my sisters being heard whenever we went somewhere. But this time I was alone, without my sisters.

The ride was much longer than expected. I noticed the change in climate, how the temperature got lower and lower as we got closer to the destination. It was not as close as I thought, it was evening when the castle came into my view, even though I started the journey early morning.

The castle was fully made of walls built of stone, and there was somewhat less grass and trees than what I was used to. As we get closer, I notice a few figures standing at the entrance. The carriage slows down, and before I get out, the man who came with me speaks up.
"Stay safe, princess Y/N." He quietly says, and I nod in response. I take a deep breath before I open the carriage's door, and step out with my suitcase in my hand.

"Take my hand, princess." I turn my head to the side as the familiar voice hits my ears. I see Sanji standing there, holding out his hand. A small smile appears on my face at the sight of the blonde as I place my hand on top of his. How nice of him!
"Thank you for inviting me into your home." I bow before the other siblings and their father.
"Which could soon be your home as well." The pink haired girl bows her head.

I get a tour around the castle, similar to what they got when they visited. The castle was huge, and had so many rooms. The military training was right outside, and the trainees lived in houses close to the castle. It felt somewhat surreal, the sound of their training could be heard even inside the castle. The maid stopped in front of a room on the other side of the castle.
"This will be your room, princess. I hope you will enjoy your stay, please call me if you need anything. Dinner will be served in an hour." She smiles warmly, and opens the door for me. I was met with huge windows that had a view of the ocean, which was not far away. The young maid is about to walk away, but I stop her.
"Excuse me, may I have your name? I'd like to know the workers in the castle better."
"Uh..." she seems taken aback, but replies, likely not used to this. "It's Marguerite"
"Thank you, Marguerite" I give her a closed-eyed smile as she walks away.

I close the door behind me, and place the suitcase on the large bed. I look around, inspecting every inch of the room. The white walls made it seem a bit empty, but the view from the room made up for it. I open the suitcase, and place the clothes from it into my wardrobe, and get ready for dinner.

Will this go just like the one at our castle? Or will it be more awkward? I hope I get to sit next to Sanji. Or maybe his sister, she seems nice.

Y/N greets my father and siblings with a bow.
"Thank you for inviting me into your home." She says.
"Which could soon be your home as well." Reiju replies.
Which could soon be your home as well... These words caused a sense of anger build up inside of me, maybe a bit of jealousy too. It frustrated me to know that my asshole brother will be marrying Y/N soon. I knew what he was like, and how he treats women. This was the main reason when we had fights. I haven't known Y/N for long, but I knew she does not deserve this at all.

A maid escorts Y/N away, leaving me alone with my siblings, our father already in another room.
"Ooh, is our little brother trying to take away Ichiji's bride?" Yonji says in a mocking tone.
"N-no! Why would I?" I stutter out, blood rushing to my face.
"We know you were with her on the day of the gala, and saw how you blushed when she put her hand on yours when you were helping her out the carriage, same when you came down the stairs with her at the gala." Niji cuts in.
"It's not like that!" I angrily reply. "But I warn you, if you do anything bad to her, there will be consequences" I menacingly say as I take a few steps towards Ichiji.
"Ooh, you want to fight, brother? Did you forget that we have genetic modifications and you don't?" He smirks back. He was somewhat right, they had superhuman strength and I did not. But of he does something to Y/N, I would still do it, it does not matter what might happen to me. Zeff taught me how to fight, and I was strong enough to go up against my brothers, even though they likely still have no idea that I trained with the chef and still think of me as the weak little brother.

I sigh as I walk away, noticing that Reiju has already left, still hearing as my brothers laugh. Oh how I hated them.

I look at the clock, noticing the time. I get up from my bed where I have been laying for the past minutes. Just as I open the door, I see Marguerite, a bit of suprise displayed on her features.
"Oh, lady Y/N! I was just about to warn you that dinner is about to start in a few minutes. But I see you noticed it on your own..." she says. "Let me escort you to the dining room, then. Follow me, please!" She walks away, me a few steps behind her.

After a few moments, she opens the grand door, a guard on each side of it. I am met with a round table, seven chairs around it, with only one left, which was between the red haired guy and the one with blue hair.

I make my way towards the table, and sit on the chair.
"Apologies if I arrived late." I speak up, not wanting to seem rude for not being on time.
"Do not apologise, we just got here too." Sanji replies with a warm smile.

"Do not apologise, we just got here too." I reply with a reassuring smile, earning a side eye from Reiju sitting next to me. I didn't want anybody else to reply, knowing that if my brothers did it, it would be something along the lines of "wHeRe thE HeLL haVe yoU beEn, yOu mOroN? You aRe noT a moDel oF puNctUaliTy i sEe!", or something even ruder, something that would definitely scare her away.

The dinner went somewhat smoothly. I would occasionally look up from my food to check if Y/N was alright. The dinner was just about to end, when my father cleared his throat and spoke.
"As you all know, the wedding will be held in exactly three months, and during that period, princess Y/N will stay here to get used to the surroundings and people. Ichiji " he says, turning his head to my brother, "I will need to ask you to spend time with your bride, please."

I could see the dislike sit on Ichiji's face, knowing that he had no intention of even asking Y/N her name.
"And princess Y/N, I know that this marriage is hard for you since you have never met my son before, but your mother insisted that you marry the oldest son. Trust me, I would not let Ichiji marry if I had a choice. Dinner is over, everyone is free to go." He adds, getting out of his chair along with everybody else.

I see as Y/N places the fork down and gets up.
"Should I wait for you, prince Sanji?" She asks as she stands next to the chair, waiting for my response. I quickly blink, feeling a bit suprised at her question. I was used to being left behind, and this was a nice change.
"Oh, no need, I was just about to leave. Should I escort you to your room, ma chérie?" I offer as I stand up. Her eyes widen a bit.
"I appreciate it, but I am sure you are tired, I-"
"No, no. I insist. This is an offer you can not turn down. Please follow me, I can not just let a lady wander around here." I smile at her, and she returns the expression.

Marguerite, a maid in the castle and probably the friendliest towards me, told me where Y/N's room will be until the wedding, so I knew where to go. Oh, the wedding... almost forgot... why does it have to be Ichiji?!
"So... um, have you brought anything personal, princess?" I question, trying to spark a conversation to get these thoughts out of my head.
"I do not think so. I wanted to bring my painting equipment, but I was told by my mother that it might not be allowed here. Is that true?" She quietly says, likely to not disturb the people that might be sleeping. How considerate...
"It is allowed, your mother was speaking nonsense. Mine loved art, the paintings you see on the walls of the castle are all made by her. Maybe if you brought your things, your works could also be displayed. Also, didn't you say your mother did not know about your hobby?" I look at the princess, who was walking next to me.
"She did not, but saw as I put it in my suitcase, and now she knows. She immediately told me to leave it there. But now, knowing that it is allowed, I wish I did not listen to her. I have no idea what I am going to do in my free time, this always helped me get my mind off of things."
"I agree." I reply as I stop at her room. "Looks like we arrived. Have a good night, ma chére!" I bow, but before I get to leave, I hear her voice.
"Thank you. I hope we meet tomorrow, I would love to know the definition ofma... what was it? Ma chére. Good night, prince Sanji!" She gives a little wave, and closes her door.

She doesn't know what it means? Fair enough, it was in a different language. I don't think I will tell her though...
My lips curl into a slight smile as I walk away.

I sigh as I close my door. He was so nice! Will I have good conversations like this with his brother, too? Hm, from what I have seen, not likely. Ughh, I would rather marry Sanji than his brother, the alliance would still be there! Stupid traditions... and the fact that Vinsmoke Judge would actually approve it more if I married Sanji instead...

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 // 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈Where stories live. Discover now