chapter seven

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"So I was right, then. We meet again, Lady Y/N" I quickly turn around at the voice, a smile appearing on my face when I see who the person was.
"Prince Sanji! May I ask what brings you here in these early hours?" I question. It was still morning, I thought he was sleeping. He was likely woken up by the noise from the corridors.
"Well, I supposed I would be only in the way of the busy people, and saw you heading outside. Thought I'd keep you company, if you would not mind it, princess."
"No, I do not mind."

I was planning on spending the day alone until the gala, but I wanted to get to know him better. Is he really the freak people make him out to be? Is he just trying to act nice towards me?

"This is your greenhouse, I suppose?" He says, taking a glance at the small greenhouse a few feet away.
"It is. I'm suprised you found it. It was built here so that it would not spoil the look of the main area of the garden. Excuse the slightly unkept grass, please." I explain.
"Do people not wander beyond the well-trimmed bushes and neatly planted flowers?" The prince asks, genuine interest lacing his soothing voice.
"They do not. When guests enter the garden, they only explore the main area, not knowing the many wonders they miss out. The garden itself is extremely huge, you can wander around it for a whole day, maybe even two. This land has more to offer than it seems at first." I say as I point at the field behind me, the fresh, green grass swaying in the spring breeze.

"More to offer? Is there something special I should know about, princess?" Sanji looks at me, anticipating an answer.
"Well, there's a lot to see. I would love to show you around. If you have time of course" I offered with a radiant expression.
"I do have time, princess. When are we going?" He inquired, the corners of his mouth lifting upwards.
"What do you say about right now? Do you wish to go on horseback?"
"I would agree to the horseback option, maybe it would be faster that way and get back before the gala, but I can't. We do not have horses from where I came, I was never taught how to ride one" He admits, prying his eyes down.
"That should not be a problem, I can. Would you agree to get up behind me?" I suggest, not sure if he will agree. I was not a professional, but I wasn't bad either. I had enough experience, and Sanji was right, we didn't have enough time to go trough on foot and arrive before the gala, making this the faster option.
"Are you sure it is alright? If yes, I'd love to" he answers, the smile returning to his face. I snicker as I gently grab his wrist and head to the stables.

The stable boy, Karl, looks up when he hears the sound of footsteps. He gets up from his kneeling position, and bows when he sees me, Sanji a few steps behind me, admiring the place.
"Lady Y/N, Prince Sanji" he greets us.
"I already told you, there's no need for the lady, just Y/N" I send a warm smile towards him.
"Excuse me, Y/N. I was just used to being fomal with the other members" he chuckles as he straightens his back.
"I advise you get used to it, I'll be here for quite a while, likely forever."

Sanji felt a slight pang in his chest as he heard your words. Did she really not know about it?

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Karl asks with a gentle smile gracing his lips.
"Thank you, but nothing so far. I'll just go trough the land with the prince. If Donna or somebody is looking for me, please inform them that I'm gone for a bit. I'll be back before the gala." I responded as I gently pat the head of my horse, Sanji standing behind me, amazed at the sight of the horse, a quiet "woah" escaping his lips.

"Ready?" I look over my shoulder to face Sanji, who was now holding onto me, hoping that this will save him from falling off.
"Of course, princess" he replies calmly. He wasn't afraid of horses, he just had no idea how to ride one. I thought about teaching him how to do it, but realised that we wouldn't get back in time for tonight's event.

My face heats up as Y/N tells me to hold her waist so that I would stay on the horse. I obey, gently wrapping my arm around her to be more secure.
"Ready?" She looks back at me over her shoulder, a smile gracing her lips.
"Of course, princess" I aswer. I hear the horse neigh, and I can feel it moving.

We started out with a slow pace, but it progressively got faster with every minute. I look back, noticing that we are far away from the castle already.

The bright green grass gently swaying in the fresh, spring breeze, the different types wildflowers giving off a slight, pleasant scent, white and blue butterflies flying around the field. It was majestic, Y/N was not lying when she said that the people are missing out a wonderful thing. I lay my chin on the princess' shoulder as I get lost in the view.

My eyes widen at Sanji's sudden action, my cheeks turning into a slight shade of pink.
"Well, what do you wish to visit first, prince?" I question.
"May I ask what my options are?" He looks up at me with his mesmerizing blue eyes.
"Option one would be the forest with the creek and a tiny swamp, and option two would be the rest of the field." I reply.
"I would choose the forset, is that alright?"
"The forest it is, then. We are already halfway there"

The large trees come into sight after a five minute ride. Sanji lets go of my waist and cautiously dismounts from the horse, me doing the same after he lands.
"Is your horse coming with us?" He asks, stroking the horse's nose with a light smile etched into his features.
"It is better if we go further without him. Do not worry, he will stay here, he is well trained.
"If you say so, princess" he says, following me as I enter the forest.

It was somewhat cooler in here, the shade of the trees providing a slight protection from the sun's hot rays. I look to my right, and see Sanji, who is absolutely captivated by the sight.
"The creek is not far away" I mention, breaking the silence between us.
"This place truly is beautiful" he says, the light falling on the blonde's hair, making it even prettier. "Do you come here often, princess?"
"Whenever I can, yes. It calms my soul and I can get my mind off my duties for a bit. I sometimes bring my painting equipment along, too." I answer, taking a deep breath from the warm air, inhaling the scent of the forest.
"Painting equipment?" He repeats my words. "Does the princess like to paint?"
"I do, mostly self taught, my mother is not amused by this hobby. She thinks it is too messy and does not fit a princess. The only person who knows about my hobby is Donna, I always show her whenever I make a new piece. She's also the one who always agrees to take me to the town with her and lets me get equipment if I run out of something." I explain.
"I see, but now I know about it too. Is that alright, m'lady?" He asks.
"It is alright, as long as you do not tell anybody about it"

The familiar faint sound of splashing water hits my ears, signaling that we are getting close to the creek.
"We are almost there, come on!" I inform Sanji with a smile, quickening the pace of my steps. He smiles back, and follows a few steps behind me, a chuckle escaping his lips.

I let out a sigh as I slow my steps, finally arriving at our destination. Sanji stops next to me, his blue eyes widen as the creek comes into his view, his mouth left agape.

The sun was reflecting on the surface of the crystal clear water, making it look like the water itself was shining. The change in height of the stones slightly higher creating a mini-waterfall, just a few centimetres high, a few smaller fish merrily swimming between the grey, white, and slightly yellow rocks underwater, a few bigger ones creating a path to the other side. The ferns and mosses near the water proving that not many people come by, swaying in the breeze with a few shiny water droplets from the river decorating them.

"Any thoughts, prince?" I glance at the blonde, who is absolutely mesmerized by the sight.
"I... it truly is beautiful. No wonder you wanted to show me this place" he quietly says, earning a small giggle from me. We sit down on the grass by the creek, a comfortable silence between us, only the sound of the water flowing and the singing of birds being heard.

Time passed quickly, the temperature falling a few degrees making us realise that we should slowly get going. It was already afternoon, getting close to evening. I sigh as I get up from my comfortable position, stretching my sore legs and arms.

Me and Sanji get back up on my horse, me sitting in the front and him extremely close behind me, his hands wrapped around my waist tightly, but not too tight.
"We missed out lunch, you do not mind that, right?" I question, eyes still fixed on the field ahead.
"No, I do not. Will your mother be mad at you for not attending it, princess?" He asks, genuine worry lacing his tone.
"I do not think so, we can choose if we skip a meal or not. What about you? Will your father be mad at you, prince Sanji?"
"I bet him and my brothers are even glad that I did not attend it. But it does not matter, at least I got to spend my day like this. Thank you, lady Y/N." He replies.

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