Chapter 3

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The weight of secrecy hangs heavy within the walls of the estate. Our uncle's words echo in the air, each syllable laced with warning and restriction. "Library private and my study prohibited. And in here, the east wing closed. The west wing out of bounds," he enumerates, his voice filled with a stern resolve. I strain to peer through the partially open door behind him, attempting to catch a glimpse of what lies beyond, but he swiftly closes it, shielding the secrets that lie within.

"Uncle, about that attack yesterday. Can't something be done?" Maria interjects, her voice carrying a note of concern. Our uncle mumbles something unintelligible under his breath, causing Maria to request clarification. "I beg your pardon?" she presses, her determination unwavering. Uncle Benjamin's response is curt and foreboding, "Just keep out of the forest." I step forward, my curiosity piqued. "But why? Who are they?" I inquire, my voice filled with a mixture of urgency and apprehension.

Our uncle turns to face us, his gaze hardened with knowledge and warning. "There is a band of ruffians in the woods. The De Noir clan," he reveals, his words casting a shadow of unease. Maria glances at me, the realization dawning upon us. "You mean like the De Noirs in the storybook?" she questions, her voice carrying a tinge of disbelief. Uncle Benjamin turns around, opening a door to reveal a modest room adorned with a single desk and three chairs, a symbolic space where our journey would unfold. "Ladies... this should suit your needs. And this will be your classroom," he says. We step inside, uncertainty and anticipation swirling within us, and he closes the door behind us, sealing our fate within the confines of our newfound sanctuary.

Hours pass in study. The passage of time brings with it a restlessness that cannot be contained. Miss Heliotrope's stomach growls, signaling the end of our study session. She swiftly rises from her seat, "I believe that is enough study for today," and proceeds to exit the room. I follow suit, stretching my limbs to relieve the tension in my muscles. "I hate sitting for that long," I admit to Maria, who nods in agreement. As we step out of the room, I turn to her. "I'm going to go explore the house. Are you going to be okay?" I inquire, seeking her assurance. She nods, her expression filled with a mixture of curiosity and trust, and I bid her farewell as I embark on my solitary adventure.

Venturing through the labyrinthine halls, I lose myself in the twists and turns. Eventually, I reach a dead end, frustration gnawing at me. "What in the world?" I mutter under my breath, my gaze falling upon a handle protruding from the wall. Curiosity overtakes me, and I turn it, revealing a door that leads to a spacious kitchen. Though unexpected, its presence intrigues me. "Not what I was looking for, but interesting. I'll keep that in mind," I murmur, closing the door behind me as I resume my exploration.

Continuing my journey through the corridors, a renewed sense of adventure fills me as I stumble upon a door leading to the back of the house. Stepping outside, the scent of the countryside envelopes me, a symphony of earthy fragrances that rejuvenates my senses. Overwhelmed by the beauty of nature, I gasp, savoring the feeling of truly breathing for the first time in what feels like an eternity. "Oh my goodness," I exclaim in awe, my eyes scanning the surroundings.

Not far along the path, I notice a building that beckons me forward. My steps quicken, and as I draw nearer, a sight captures my attention—a row of horses nestled in their stables. Among them, I spot a horse with a black mane and a distinctive white spot on its nose. Approaching cautiously, I extend a gentle hand towards it, feeling a connection instantaneously as the horse leans in, mirroring my curiosity and trust. "There are horses in the city too," I whisper, a smile gracing my lips. "Not as pretty as you, though..." I glance at the name on the front of the stall. "...Romeo." The horse responds, leaning its head forward. I begin braiding its mane, my fingers deftly weaving the strands together. In that moment, I glance towards the stable's entrance and see Maria and Uncle Benjamin standing there, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern.

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