Chapter 10

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A heavy weight descends upon my heart, dragging it into the depths of despair. "Maria," I murmur, the name escaping my lips like a desperate plea. My eyes remain fixed on the spot where she once stood, her form vanishing into the abyss below. Without a second thought, I sprint towards the edge, my feet carrying me with an urgency born of fear and anguish.

Gazing down into the turbulent waters, my eyes scour the relentless waves crashing against jagged rocks, searching for any trace of my beloved sister. Desperation wells within me as tears blur my vision, mixing with the saltwater spray that fills the air. Each passing moment stretches like an eternity, amplifying the agony of uncertainty.

The vast expanse before me offers no solace, no glimpse of Maria's presence. It is as if she has been swallowed whole by the unforgiving depths, leaving behind only a void of unanswered questions and shattered hopes. A sense of helplessness engulfs me, tears cascading down my cheeks as the realization of her disappearance sinks in, casting a shadow over my soul.

A scream erupted from within me, tearing through the air with a force I had never felt before. It was a cry that carried the weight of my grief, echoing through the depths of my being and reverberating out into the world. As the sound filled the space around me, it felt as if the very fabric of reality quivered in response. 

I turn to Robin, tears stream down my cheeks as I bury my face into his shoulder. The weight of failure presses heavily upon my chest, suffocating me with the unbearable burden of responsibility that now lies shattered at my feet "I was supposed to protect her." I whisper.

Suddenly, a radiant beam of moonlight pierces through the veil of darkness, illuminating the desolate landscape. It washes over us, enveloping us in its ethereal embrace, as if the moon herself extends her ephemeral touch. I watch in awe as the celestial light passes through us.

As the radiant glow dissipates, I raise my tear-streaked face to meet Robin's gaze. A glimmer of hope dances in my eyes, mingling with the residue of sorrow that still clings to my lashes. A smile, bittersweet and fragile, emerges upon my lips. "She did it," I whisper, my voice a delicate whisper carried by the wind. In that moment, amidst the ebb and flow of tears, a flicker of faith is rekindled, for Maria's sacrifice has become the catalyst for our salvation.

As I gaze out over the vast expanse of water, my eyes fixated on the churning waves below, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The rhythm of the ocean swells, growing in strength and magnitude, until it reaches a crescendo, crashing forcefully against the rugged cliffs. The spray of seawater permeates the atmosphere, a tangible reminder of the unforgiving power of nature.

A voice calls out, piercing through the tumultuous soundscape. "Maria!" Uncle's voice carries a mixture of disbelief and joy, echoing across the precipice. With wide eyes, I open my tear-stained gaze, and to my astonishment, I see Maria perched atop a majestic unicorn.

Uncle rushes towards her, his arms outstretched, his voice filled with an overwhelming sense of relief. "Oh, my sweet child, you're alive." Maria's smile is infectious, her eyes brimming with a newfound vitality. "Uncle!" she exclaims, descending from the unicorn's back. I join them in a heartwarming embrace. Overwhelmed with emotion, I sob, my arms tightening around Maria, as if to shield her from any future harm. She looks at me, her gaze filled with affectionate concern. "Are you crying?" she asks, a hint of amusement dancing in her voice. With a gentle swipe of my hand, I attempt to dismiss my tears. "No, it's just...the sea water," I manage to say, my voice laced with a mixture of relief and lingering sadness. Maria chuckles, a sound that reverberates with the joy of a reunion.

Loveday walks up to her "You're the true moon princess." I hear a roar and when I look up to the entrance of the wedding clearing I see a large black Lion. "Oh. Cat's teeth." Uncle says "That'll be a black lion, then, sir." Digweed says. "It's all right, Uncle. It's just Rolf." Maria says petting the Lion. I turn to Robin a smile spreading on his face. I look back and Uncle is on one knee before Loveday.

"Stop right there!" A voice says, the words laden with a sinister intent. My gaze swiftly turns to the source, and my heart skips a beat as I behold a man brandishing a gun, its cold metal glinting ominously in the light. The world seems to blur around me, fading into the background as my focus narrows on the life-threatening danger that looms before us. Time momentarily slows as I instinctively step in front of Maria, positioning myself as a shield, my body trembling with a mix of fear and fierce determination. But before the trigger can be pulled, an unexpected savior emerges from the shadows. 

Miss Heliotrope, armed with nothing but an umbrella, unleashes a flurry of strikes upon the assailant, each blow resonating with a resounding impact. Our eyes widen in awe and disbelief as we bear witness to this. The air is filled with a chorus of exclamations, a symphony of gasps and murmurs that reflect our astonishment and relief. Dulac, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, recoils and attempts to shield himself from Miss Heliotrope's relentless assault. Miss Heliotrope, breathless yet resolute, reaches our side, her voice filled with genuine concern and relief. "Maria, Y/N, I'm here! My dears, I've come to save you!" Her arrival is met with a grateful smile, the weight of gratitude evident in my eyes as I respond, "Thank you, but all is well." 

Miss Heliotrope's gaze falls upon Uncle, and in that moment, she discerns his intention. A soft gasp escapes her lips as she utters the words, "Oh... Is there... to be a wedding?" Digweed walks up to her. "Oh ma'ma." He says. Miss Heliotrope's cheeks flush with a rosy hue as she stammers, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events. Her eyes dart between Uncle and Digweed, a fleeting moment of indecision crossing her face. A bittersweet smile graces her lips as she gathers her thoughts, realizing the complexity of the situation. Uncle sighs and stands up. "Well, there we are, then," Uncle states with a touch of resignation "Nothing to be done."

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