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Under the shade of a sprawling tree, I sit beside Robin, his sketchbook resting upon his lap. The strokes of his pencil dance upon the pages, creating a tapestry of memories and moments frozen in time. Intrigued by his artistry, I lean in closer, stealing glimpses of his work. "I like that one," I remark softly, my gaze fixed upon a tender depiction of Loveday and Uncle at their wedding, their love immortalized through Robin's skilled hand.

A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he playfully places his hat on my face, obscuring my prying eyes. "No peeking until I'm finished," he insists. I chuckle, unable to resist the temptation, and swiftly remove the hat. Our eyes meet, and I silently seek his approval to look at his creations. Rolling his eyes with a feigned exasperation, he relents, extending the sketchbook towards me. Gratitude fills my heart as I accept his offering, my smile widening in appreciation. "Thank you, Robin," I say, my fingers gently flipping through the pages, each turn revealing a new glimpse into his artistic world.

As I browse through the sketches, my heart skips a beat when I stumble upon an unfamiliar image, one of me captured with delicate precision. Surprised, I hold my breath, waiting for Robin's reaction. He quickly snatches the sketchbook from my hands, his cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and pride. "That was supposed to be a surprise," he admits. A radiant smile graces my lips, unable to contain my joy. "Robin De Noir, are you blushing?" I tease, savoring the sweet anticipation of his response.

Without a word, he gazes deeply into my eyes, a knowing sparkle dancing within his own. In that tender moment, he pulls me closer, our lips meeting in a gentle kiss that ignites a fire within my soul. I melt into his embrace, relishing the warmth and tenderness of our connection. As our lips part, a playful glint shines in his eyes, and he playfully remarks, "Who's blushing now?" Unable to resist his infectious charm, I bury my head in the comforting haven of his jacket, my voice muffled by the fabric. "Stop it, I hate it when you do that," I protest, though my muffled words carry a trace of affectionate laughter.

As I gaze out across the expansive field before us, my eyes alight upon Maria, a vision of grace and freedom, as she gallops atop Periwinkle with a newfound swiftness. A smile blooms upon my lips, capturing the joy and exhilaration that courses through her veins, and I feel my heart swell with an indescribable warmth.

In the distance, Loveday and Uncle stand hand in hand near the house, bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. The sweet melodies of a piano drift through the air, caressing our ears with their tender embrace. The tantalizing aroma of Marmaduke's delectable cakes wafts from the kitchen, adding a touch of delicious anticipation to the tranquil scene.

Lost in the moment, I am startled by the sound of Robin's voice, his whisper reaching my ears like a gentle breeze. "I love you." The words hang in the air, leaving me momentarily speechless. His sincerity touch the deepest recesses of my being, and a rush of emotions surges within me.

"You don't have to say it back I ju-" Before he can finish his sentence, an instinctual impulse takes over. I bridge the distance between us, my lips pressing against his in a fervent kiss, a testament to the depths of my affection.

As we part, our eyes lock, an unspoken understanding passing between us. The world around us fades into insignificance, leaving only the connection we share. In a hushed whisper, barely audible, I reciprocate the sentiment that fills my heart. "I love you too," I confess, my voice a gentle murmur that carries the weight of a thousand emotions.

I nestle into the comforting embrace of Robin's arms. In the gentle rise and fall of Robin's chest, I close my eyes and see the Moon Princess and the Guardians who have come before me. Bathed in a celestial glow, their luminous forms emanate an otherworldly grace. Their radiant smiles reflect the wisdom and love that have guided them through countless trials.

The ethereal figures bow in unison, their movements harmonizing with the very essence of existence. With each graceful bow, their ethereal forms dissipate into a cascade of shimmering particles, ascending towards the heavens like liberated spirits finding their rightful place among the stars.

In this awe-inspiring moment, the weight of the past dissipates. As I rest in Robin's embrace, the ephemeral vision lingers in my mind. I realize that I am not alone in this endeavor. The Moon Princess and her guardians may have departed, but their wisdom and guidance remain etched within the fabric of my existence.


As the sun begins its descent, casting a golden glow upon the tranquil waters, I lie beside the edge of the lake, my fingers entwined with Robin's. The passing years have woven a tapestry of growth and transformation, each thread interlaced with moments of triumph, joy, and love.

Turning my gaze towards Robin, his eyes closed in blissful rest. Time has shaped us, carving a path of shared experiences and treasured memories. Together, we have discovered a sanctuary nestled within the embrace of the verdant woods, a place where our spirits can intertwine, and grow old togeather.

In this enchanted realm we call home, our dear Maria has found her own haven, settling down a few miles north of our sanctuary. The resplendent union of Digweed and Miss Heliotrope has blossomed into a lifelong commitment, their shared laughter and enduring love radiating warmth to all who encounter them. And dearest Uncle and Loveday, their hearts overflowing with love, have welcomed a new life into the world-a radiant soul named Pippa, Loveday chose the name.

Rising from my place by the water's edge, I stretch my limbs, feeling the energy coursing through my veins. Turning my gaze back to Robin, a spark ignites within me, and I realize that the time has come to take a leap of faith. Kneeling beside him, my voice brimming with sincerity, I speak of my intentions.

"Robin, there is something important I must ask you," I whisper, my eyes locked onto his. Sensing the gravity of the moment, Robin sits up, his gaze steady and resolute. "I have something to ask as well. On the count three?" he proposes, his voice filled with anticipation. Nodding in agreement, I hold his gaze, my heart fluttering in my chest.

"One, two, three," we say in unison, the weight of our words carrying the magnitude of a lifetime. "Will you marry me?" we both ask simultaneously, our voices harmonizing in a symphony of love and commitment. My eyes widen in astonishment, only to be met with Robin's playful laughter as he unveils a small box, cradling a ring within its delicate confines.

In that sacred moment, time stands still as Robin poses the question that will forever shape our destinies. "Y/n Merryweather, will you be by my side for all eternity, granting me the immeasurable joy of being your husband?" Overwhelmed with emotions, tears of unbridled happiness shimmer in my eyes as I respond with unwavering conviction. "Yes, of course, yes," I whisper, my voice quivering with joyous anticipation.

Pulling Robin close, our lips meet in a tender and profound kiss, a celebration of a love that has endured and flourished against all odds. Memories of our shared journey, the triumphs and challenges, dance through my mind like a vibrant kaleidoscope.

Drawing back from the kiss, my heart brimming with gratitude, I utter the words that echo the depth of my soul. "I love you," I say, my voice resounding with unwavering devotion. In this embrace, surrounded by nature's symphony, we stand on the precipice of a new chapter.

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