Chapter 6

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The thunderous sound of footsteps fills the air, causing my heart to race in my chest. Panic sets in as I whirl around, only to be confronted by a horde of De Noirs charging towards me, their figures blurred in a frenzy of motion. In that heart-stopping moment, I resign myself to an inevitable fate, certain that my time has run its course.

But then, against all odds, they rush past me, their attention fixed on someone or something ahead. Amidst the chaos, a voice pierces through the tumult, cutting through the clamor of footsteps. "Come on, the Moon Princess escaped!" a boy's voice echoes, his words carrying a sense of urgency and purpose. It's a lifeline, an unexpected reprieve that snaps me out of my frozen state.

With renewed determination coursing through my veins, I follow the boy's lead, my feet propelling me forward as I sprint towards the beckoning promise of escape. The adrenaline surges within me, fueling each step as I navigate the castle corridors with a newfound agility.

Emerging into a courtyard filled with De Noirs. My breath ragged and heart pounding, I am greeted by a breathtaking sight. There, atop a towering wall, stands Maria, her figure silhouetted against the backdrop of the sky. Time seems to stand still as everyone in the courtyard freezes, their gazes drawn towards her unexpected presence.

Instinctively, I quicken my pace, propelled by a deep-rooted instinct to protect and stand by Maria's side. The distance between us diminishes rapidly as I scale the wall with purpose, my movements fueled by a potent mix of urgency and determination. The corners of Maria's lips curl into a smile as she catches sight of me, relief washing over her features.

Perched side by side on the wall, a fleeting moment of respite amid the chaos, I turn to Maria, concern etched across my features. "Are you okay?" I inquire, my voice a whisper amidst the stillness of the courtyard. She nods.

A ripple of curiosity flits across her expression as she observes my attire, a stark contrast to her own undergarments. "What are you wearing?" Her question lingers in the air, and I respond with a playful smile, a hint of mischief dancing in my eyes. "Why are you in undergarments?" I retort, the words carrying a lightheartedness that belies the gravity of our situation.

Time is of the essence, and with a shared understanding, our eyes lock, silently communicating the need for action. I seize the moment, breaking the stillness with a decisive command. "When I say so, jump," I instruct, a mixture of determination and confidence resonating in my voice. Maria's eyes widen in surprise, the weight of the request sinking in, but after a moment's hesitation, she nods, her trust in our unspoken bond shining through.

Turning my attention to the gathering crowd, I catch sight of Robin maneuvering through the masses. A bittersweet smile touches my lips as I bow slightly, addressing the assemblage with a measure of grace, "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Offering a salute to the crowd, I steal a quick glance in Robin's direction, finding his smile amidst the sea of faces. I then turn to Maria, the crowd surging forward as we prepare to make our daring escape. With a shared glance, we leap off the wall, hurtling into the unknown.

As we tumble down the steep hill, I feel the grass and earth beneath me, my body protesting the impact. Once on my feet, I quickly turn to Maria, concern etched on my face. "You okay?" I inquire, worry lacing my voice. She meets my gaze and offers a nod, assuring me of her well-being. "Alright, let's go," I say with determination, and together, we resume our rapid pace. However, in the midst of our haste, my hair becomes entangled in a wayward tree branch. Reacting swiftly, I yank on it, hastily undoing my braid the tie coming out.

Suddenly, a familiar bark fills the air, drawing our attention. "Rolf?" I call out in surprise. To our delight, Rolf comes bounding towards us, tail wagging. Maria and I exchange wide smiles, reassured by the presence of our loyal companion. "Can you find the way home?" Maria asks Rolf, her voice filled with hope. Without hesitation, Rolf takes off, his movements guiding us along the path until we finally reach the sanctuary of the house.

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