Chapter 4

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When I awaken, the room is still cloaked in darkness. I approach the window, gazing out at the silent forest. A mischievous idea takes hold of me, fueled by the desire to uncover the secrets that have been kept from us. "If Uncle won't let us read the book, I will find out for myself," I mutter under my breath. Determination coursing through my veins, I grab some paper and hastily write a note to Maria, leaving it on my pillow praying for her understanding and assistance.

"I'll be back soon," the note reads, my intention clear despite its brevity. "I'm doing something dumb. Please cover for me. Love, Y/N." With the note left behind, I tiptoe down the stairs, my movements careful and stealthy. As I slip out the backdoor and into the forest, the first light of dawn begins to illuminate the sky, casting a gentle glow upon the surrounding landscape.

Venturing deeper into the woods, I encounter one of Robin's traps, its jaws poised to ensnare an unsuspecting creature. A mischievous smile dances upon my lips, for I know that Robin or his goons will be drawn to investigate the empty contraption. Taking shelter behind a tree, I patiently await their arrival, anticipation fueling my resolve.

A rustling noise alerts me, and when I turn to face it, I find Robin kneeling near the trap. Stepping forward, I approach him confidently. "Hello," I greet him, our previous encounters lending an air of tension to our interactions. Startled, he swiftly rises to his feet, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Just give yourself up?" he questions, his tone a mix of confusion and intrigue. Shaking my head, I assert my purpose. "No... Maybe. I have questions, and I don't know who to ask," I admit.

Robin's gaze lingers on me, contemplating my words. "So you came to me. I have tried to kidnap you. Twice," he states, a hint of disbelief coloring his voice. Nodding in acknowledgment, I turn away, ready to retreat. "Good points. I'm leaving," I declare, prepared to depart. However, Robin swiftly moves to block my path, his determination evident. "Wait! What did you want to know?" he implores, a flicker of curiosity lighting up his eyes. 

We continue our conversation, walkning through the picturesque woods. The sun casts a warm glow upon the trees, while a gentle breeze rustles the leaves above us. Robin gaze meets mine and I look away, seeing a hawk soaring overhead. I sigh, my curiosity burning. "What's the deal with the story surrounding the valley?" I ask. Robin smiles, an almost mocking expression. "That's what you want to know? Really?" he responds, his tone laced with amusement. My eyes narrow in response, "Well, if you don't want to answer, then I'll just leave," I say, turning away. Before I can take a step, Robin's hand reaches out, grabbing my arm gently. He lets out a sigh "Fine, if you want to know, I'll tell you about the Moon Princess," he says, letting go. I nod eagerly. "And the other one," I say, "The Guardian." Robin nods.

"How much do you already know?" His asks. I think back to fragments of the tale I have pieced together. "Nature gifted the Moon Princess the pearls, and the Guardian was entrusted with her protection. During the wedding between the De Noirs and the Merryweathers, the two exchanged gifts," I recount, my voice filled with a mix of confidence and uncertainty. Robin's gaze lingers on me, his eyes searching for more. "That's it?" he asks, a hint of mockery in his tone. Embarrassment flushes my cheeks. "Yeah, 'that's it.' Why do you think I'm asking for help?" I say, frustration seeping into my words. Robin chuckles, but it abruptly fades as he remembers the boundaries that separate us. "Yeah, makes sense. After that, the Merryweathers stole the pearls, and the Moon Princess exacted a curse on them," he says. I shake my head.

"What about the Guardian? Where did the Moon Princess go? And what exactly was the curse?" Robin's smile returns, amusement dancing in his eyes. "You ask a lot of questions," he says. I nod "If a girl wants to get anywhere, they need to ask questions. Knowledge is power," I say, conviction lacing my words. Robin nods. "The Guardian took the Moon Princess away after the wedding, and neither of them were ever seen again. As for the exact nature of the curse, it remains unknown," he reveals. I absorb his words, nodding in acknowledgment. "Thank you." I say sincerely. 

Our walk takes us to a beautiful water with crystal clear pool at the bottom, its tranquil surface reflecting the vibrant hues of the surrounding foliage. The sun's warm caress highlights the natural beauty, casting a shimmering glow upon the crystal-clear pool nestled at its heart. A sense of awe washes over me, my eyes widening with delight. "Oh my goodness," I whisper, my voice barely audible. I feel Robin's gaze upon me, his smile mirroring my own enchantment.

 I step closer the water's edge. I extend my hand, dipping it into the cool depths. "Oh God, it's cold," I exclaim laughing. But before I can fully comprehend the playful atmosphere, a mischievous force nudges me, sending me plunging into the refreshing embrace of the water. I resurface, gasping for air, my laughter blending with the splashing droplets.

Robin's contagious laughter echoes across the tranquil surroundings, his eyes gleaming with amusement. Determined to even the score, I swiftly swim towards him, my hand reaching out to grab his foot, playfully yanking him into the water. Our laughter intertwines with the splashing sounds. We emerge from the water, our clothes drenched but spirits lifted.

Finding a patch of grass nearby, we lay down side by side, our bodies still tingling with the exhilarating coolness of the water. "That water was cold," Robin remarks, his breath slightly labored from laughter and exertion. I nod in agreement. "I know," I reply still laughing softly. We bask in the peaceful serenity, a comfortable silence enveloping us.

However, our tranquil respite is interrupted by a sudden noise, an unfamiliar sound that disrupts the harmony of the moment. My attention shifts, my eyes searching the trees fro the source. "What was that?" I ask.

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