Chapter 2

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"Ladies, welcome to Moonacre," our uncle's voice echoes through the grand entrance hall, laden with a mix of formality and a hint of resignation. He acknowledges Maria's greeting with a curt nod, ignoring her outstretched hand. Then, his attention turns to Miss Heliotrope, who attempts to regale him with the details of our eventful journey. "Oh, Sir Benjamin, what a journey we've had!" she exclaims, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Not one hour from this very door, we were accosted by a bunch of ruffians-"

Interrupting her mid-sentence, our uncle raises a hand, his expression a mix of weariness and impatience. "Madam, please. I'll hear your fascinating story some other time, if I may." His words hang in the air, leaving Miss Heliotrope slightly deflated. I meet his gaze with a subtle narrowing of my eyes, sensing a hint of arrogance in his demeanor.

Leading us further into the house, our uncle continues to navigate the vast halls with an air of familiarity. As we pass by a towering figure, a large black dog, his deep bark reverberates through the space, causing Maria's eyes to widen in trepidation. "His name is Rolf," our uncle explains, his voice carrying a hint of caution. "There are those who find him alarming. He can kill in an instant." Maria's fear is palpable, but she manages to maintain her composure, "But you're Merryweathers. He very probably won't harm you." I nod and we follow our uncle to the next rooms.

"Miss Heliotrope, your room awaits you over there, on the right," our uncle gestures towards a door with a brass handle, its wood polished to a rich sheen. Miss Heliotrope nods gratefully, acknowledging his guidance. Turning towards us, she spreads her arms in a welcoming gesture. "Oh, thank you, Sir Benjamin," she says with genuine appreciation. "Well, come along, Maria, Y/n. I'm sure that your rooms will be next to mine."

As we take a step closer to join Miss Heliotrope, our uncle abruptly interjects, his voice firm and unwavering. "No, Maria and Y/n's rooms are up in the tower," he declares, his gaze fixed on us. I hesitate, sensing a subtle undercurrent of authority that discourages any resistance. Maria's expression shifts from surprise to disappointment. She attempts to voice her objection, but our uncle's irritation cuts her off. "Perhaps you'd like to inspect your room first before you turn your nose up at it," he retorts, his tone tinged with impatience. Maria's head drops, and we reluctantly follow our uncle as he leads us up a flight of stairs.

Ascending the stairs, each step echoing with a soft creak, we find ourselves in a dimly lit corridor. Our uncle stops in front of a pair of small sturdy wooden doors, their worn surfaces carrying the weight of history. He turns to face us, his gaze piercing yet guarded. "Maria, your room awaits you to the left, and Y/n, yours to the right," he states, his voice carrying a touch of formality. We nod in acknowledgment.

Maria musters a polite smile and bids our uncle a customary "Good night," to which he simply nods in response before making his way downstairs. Left alone on the landing, I turn to Maria, a faint smile playing on my lips. "Well, he certainly knows how to make things fun," I remark sarcastically, trying to inject a hint of humor into the situation. Maria chuckles softly. She turns and embraces me tightly, the warmth of her hug a comforting reassurance. Releasing each other from our embrace, we proceed towards our designated rooms.

Approaching the door to my room, a sense of curiosity tingles within me. It appears unusually small, evoking a whimsical charm. With a gentle push, the door swings open, revealing a sight that leaves me breathless. My jaw drops in awe as I step into the room, my senses immediately overwhelmed by the enchanting scene before me.

The walls, meticulously painted with utmost artistry, create an illusion of stepping into an actual forest. Every stroke of the brush brings life to the sprawling trees, their vibrant hues reaching towards the ceiling, their branches intertwining like a natural tapestry. Above, the expansive ceiling transforms into a celestial canvas, painted to resemble the expanse of the night sky. Intricate branches seem to caress the moon, bathing it in a gentle glow, as though the ethereal orb itself illuminates the room.

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