Chapter Two - The Bathroom Talk

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Sal walked out of the class. He saw Travis run away, and Philip rub his bloody nose. He approached the boy. "Oh shit, Philip, you good?" He gasped.

Philip scoffed. "Yeeeaaahh no" he chuckled "not really"

Sal looked at his nose. "Dude, i can get you some toilet paper, wait here, aight?" He said. Philip nodded, holding his hand under his chin.

Sal entered the bathroom, and heard crying. He slowly moved forward, and noticed a paper near the trashcan, he slowly picked it up and looked at it.

"I know we don't really know each other and you probably have your opinions of me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different. The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But I know these feelings are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever I just..."

A love letter. A pretty sad one as well.

He gently put it back in there, and moved closer to the cabins.

The crying is coming from.. this one.

He knocked on the door.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" He asked. "You.. are you okay?" He put his ear on the door.

A raspy and shakey voice spoke. "gah- leave me alone, fag." He whimpered, his breath getting louder.

"Travis?" Sals eyes widened.

I've never seen him like that. Well i can't really see him, but.. i wonder what happened to turn that asshole into a crying little boy in the school bathroom.

"Are you okay man?" He mumbled.

They both went quiet. Travis heard Sal slowly leave the bathroom.

"Wait- Fisher." He called. Sal stopped and turned around.
"Hm?" He answered.

"Why.. why'd you help me? On the math exam. You could just.. tell the teacher or something."
Travis muttered.

Sal smiled under the prosthetic.

"Well, i'm just trying to be nice to everyone, even you, Travis." He chuckled. "Also, if I told Ms Packerton.. her reaction might have not be so pretty if she realized you copied my exam paper. Every single part of it." Sal noticed Travis went quiet again.



"Why are you so rude towards me and my friends?"

He took some time to answer.

"You're all a bunch of homo freaks." His voice was still shakey.

"You know we're not all gay, right? Well, besides Todd. Todd's super gay." Sal chuckled.

Travis scoffed and looked away.

"Well.. why are you being so nice to me? All I've done is mess up your life at school" He mumbled.

Sal giggled. "You're nto messing up my life, Travis. I've dealt with worse bullies than you" he smiled under his prosthetic again.

"I.. i dont really hate you.. ..or your friends."

"I didn't think you did."

Sal put his hand on the door

"Well, if you ever need some one to talk to, just text me.. or call me, whatever." Sal chuckled and grabbed a pen from his backpack, and a piece of toilet paper, and wrote his number on it, then passed it to Travis.

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