Chapter Six - Bologna Day. [pt. 1]

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The room got smaller, the air got heavier. Travis could feel his lungs collapse, his bones slowly melt. Travis felt as if someone squeezed his muscles with all his might.

He trembled. His skin was peeling off. He heard footsteps.

They became louder, and louder, and-

As Travis tried to run, something grabbed him by the wrist. his hand started withering. the skin turned black, as it peeled off. the pain was nonexistent, yet so awful. he screetched at the top of his lungs, and fell onto the floor.

the hooded character pulled, making Travis barely stand on the floor. he was standing on his fingers, trying to stay on the ground. the person started screaming, but Travis couldn't understand any of it. 

Travis looked up. The hooded person had a red, piercing stare. They took their hood off.

It was Kenneth Phelps - Travis' father.

He looked at Travis like he wanted to kill him. He hit hit in the stomach, then twice in both of his collarbones. Travis fell again. The man kicked him, as he turned into a ball.

"Disgrace." He growled. Kenneth put his hand in his pocket, he slowly started taking it out, Travis noticed only a part of the object his father held. It was an L-shaped object, it clicked when he started pulling it out. it was all black.

The only thing that came to Travis' mind, was that he was holding a gun.

Kenneth then pulled it out


As he pulled the trigger, Travis woke up, on the floor. He then shook his head, and rubbed his eyes. He felt a strong pain in his collarbone and shoulder.

He saw Sal and.. a blue haired man, probably the boy's father.

''Travis? You good, man? You were screaming in your sleep and.. you fell." he pointed at the blondes shoulder. "Your arm's all red." Sal stated.

Henry threw Sal a bandage, and groaned as he left the room, and entered his room. Sal got a bit closer to Travis and poked him in the arm. "put your hand up, dude." 

Travis gave him a death stare. "Why would I do that?" he snarled.

Sal groaned. "Dude, It's the middle of night, I'm just tryna help you, so will you let me do that, or be a complete baby about it?" Travis put his arm up, and bit his bottom lip, as Sal bandaged him. Its was suprisingly painful.

"Sal?" Travis asked. The blue haired boy made an ''mhmm?" sound, and continued to focus on Travis' arm. "Was I really screaming?" he lowered his voice, he was clearly ashamed of it. Sal chuckled.

"Yeah, When i heard you scream, I ran down! I though that something was happening, but when I got here, I saw you turning from side to side, and then fall onto the floor. It was pretty funny actually."

What's so funny about that?

"You watched me sleep? that's pretty gay, Fisher." He slightly smiled, almost chuckling. Sal noticed it, and looked at Travis. The blonde quickly looked away. "Uh.. That man is your father I assume?" He changed the subject.

"Uh.. sure, Although i prefer using the word "dad", but, yeah." He chuckled awkwardly, still bandaging his hand, he grabbed an ice pack covered with toilet paper. he touched his shoulder with it.

"..well, "father" is the right word." Travis mumbled. Sal rolled his eyes, well, eye, since the other one was a glass eye. "says who?" The blue haired boy giggled.

Travis stayed quiet, and looked away. 

My god, his laugh is so adorable.

"Okay! I'm done!" He smiled with his eyes. "Are you better now, Travis?" He asked. Travis nodded. "Well,  I'm gonna go to sleep now." He said awkwardly, as he stood up. "If you need anything, just tell me, aight?" He waited for an answer. When Travis stayed quiet, Sal sighed and started going up the stairs.

"Wait! uh, Sal?" Travis stopped him. Sal turned to the blonde and slightly tilted his head. "Yes?" He said. His voice was quiet, a bit faint and raspy. Travis adored it. "..Sorry, for.. yesterday. I was kinda mean, and you're so kind to me, I- sorry, Sal." His voice turned more quiet as he spoke. He noticed Sals prosthetic shift. It always moved a little when he smiled.

"It's okay, I think. I got quite used to that actually." He yawned. "Well, we can talk later, Imma go sleep now, see ya" He went up the stairs, and slightly waved, and he did that. 

He got used to that.

He was glad that Sal didn't get very offended, but hearing him say that he's used to that..
Man, did that hurt a lot.

He was so damn tired, he threw himself onto the couch and quickly fell asleep, clinging onto the blanket. this time, he had no nightmares, no dreams either. 

Strong rays of the sun shining through the curtains made the blond squint his eyes, then opened them and rubbed them. He yawned and slowly stood up, stretching. he heard the sound of frying from the kitchen, saw Sal reheating pancakes from yesterday.

Travis walked into the kitchen and leaned his hands on the counter, glancing at Sal out of the corner of his eye. The blue-haired boy flipped the pancake. "Hey Travis! Did you sleep better?" He asked, squinting his eyes under the prosthetic

"Yeah" He answered quickly and started looking around the kithcen, the last time he was there he didn't really have time for that.

"One more thing, why were you screaming then? Have you had a... nightmare? I- It's completely fine if you did, though!". He rubbed his neck. "...mhm" Travis answered after a while. "What was it about?" He slowly slid the pancake out of the pan onto the plate and started heating up another.

Travis gave him a death stare. "...geez, sorry. didn't know it was such a touchy subject." He flipped the pancake. The only thing that occasionally broke the awkward silence was the sound of the oil hissing under the pancake.

"It was 'bout my father." He said eventually. "Oh, okay. I understand." He didn't really want to bring up that topic, much less talk about it. He was trying of something that could light up the mood a bit. "Today's bologna day, it's your favorite, right?" Travis' eyes widened a bit.

"it's the only good meal there, everything else there tastes like shit." He scoffed, looking at Sal's hand as he slid the pancake onto the plate. Sal giggled. "Even pizza fridays? dude, you're weird, you're strange, man." Sal chuckled, and smiled with his eyes.

"Pfft- Says you, Saaaally face." He slightly smiled. Even though what he said could be perceived as rude, Sal had a feeling that he wasn't being actually mean, or at least didn't intend to be. The blue haired boy giggled. "C'mon, you're a weirdo too." His prosthetic slightly moved upwards, which probably meant that he smiled.

Travis liked how Sal's prosthetic would always shift and move when he smiled, he found that rather adorable. Travis just made a "pfft" sound, and quietly chuckled, looking away.

Travis could feel the heat from the stove. Sal flipped the last pancake and waited for it to heat up. The warm sun rays streamed through the kitchen window. The oil was hissing under the pancake, as it heated up. after a minute or so, Sal slid the pancake onto the plate again, and put half of them on the second plate, passing it to Travis. He handed him a fork and knife. Sal picked up his plate and silverware, and they both ate in silence.

Some time passed and the boys left the building. They barely talked when walking to school, Travis really hoped that would change, but what could he do about that? Sal hates him, right?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry for the break!!

also, thank you so much for reading this, and the previous chapters! I've seen that people read this, and i'm really glad that you did :))

anyway, ill make a part two soon :D

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