Chapter Five - Breakfast's ready.

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"Hey, Travis." Sall muttered, closing the door and locking it. He put the spare key on a shelf.

"hm. Hey, fag." Travis spat out.

"..." Sal went straight to the kitchen. He had a headache, and a loud, boring day at school didn't help.

Does he even try to be nice?

Sal entered the kitchen and grabbed a strawberry yogurt. He looked at the fridge for a while.

He reached in the back and grabbed a blueberry one as well.

He went back into the livingroom.

"Travis?" He asked, holding both yogurts in his hands.

"Yeah?" He said angrily.

"Do you prefer blueberries or strawberries?" He asked again, weakly.

"What?" He stopped. Sal waited for an answer. "Uh.. Blueberries?" He scratched the back of his neck, leaning back on the couch.

Sal passed Travis the blueberry yogurt and sat next to him. Travis slightly moved to the other side. Sal frowned under his prosthetic.

They both opened the yogurts, Sal did it pretty quickly, while Travis did it quietly, not making a sound.

"Well?" Travis asked, as if something was missing, something that clearly Sal should have given him. He sounded very offended.

"Well what? Do.. you need something?" Sal asked in confusion. He put a metal straw into his yogurt, quetly sipping it. The tiny strawberry parts barely fit inside it.

"Aren't you gonna give me a spoon? You expect me to eat with my bare hands? Im not an animal, Fisher." He spat out. He didn't wanna let Sal see him weak, but as a result he edned uo being a dick to him. He would regret each word that he said.

"Well.. i just forgot, sorry, man." He went back into the kitchen, and opened a cupboard, taking a metal spoon. It had some smudges on it. He gently washed it.

What's his problem?

He went back into the room, giving Travis the spoon. He sighed as the boy examined it, looking at it.

what now?

"Thanks, sally face." He muttered out.

"No problem." He took another sip. He let out a long sigh. He was kinda surprised that Travis actually thanked him, even if it was truly the bare minimum.

Travis put the spoon inside, and then pulled it closer to his face, eating some of the yogurt. He waited for a second, put it inside again, eating it really slowly.


Sal's back.

"Hey, Travis." Sall muttered, closing the door and locking it. He put the spare key on a shelf.

"hm. Hey, f*g." Travis spat out.

That wasn't nice.

"..." Sal went straight to the kitchen. He had a headache, and a loud, boring day at school didn't help.


Sal entered the kitchen and grabbed a strawberry yogurt.

Was that that harsh?


He went back into the livingroom.

"Travis?" He asked, holding both yogurts in his hands.

"Yeah?" He said angrily.

"Do you prefer blueberries or strawberries?" He asked again, weakly.

Blueberries reminded Travis of Sal. His silky blue hair, and beautiful, ocean blue eyes, the light would always hit them, they would then twinkle and shine in a way that would make Travis get butterflies.

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