Chapter Seven - Bologna Day [pt.2]

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Travis' POV:

They made their way to school in silence, slowly taking big steps in the cracked pavement. Travis stared at his bandaged hand. He grimaced as he remembered the nightmare, and clenched his fist, which inky made it hurt more.

Sal on the other hand was feeling great. He was listening to music. His piercings made a nice metal clicking sound as they gently hit the earbuds in his ears. He glanced at Travis and took one of them out.
"You wanna have a listen?" He handed him the earbud. Travis frowned.
"No. It's probably shit." He scoffed, looking away.
Sal rolled his eyes - or one eye actually, his other eye was a glass eye.
"They're good, I promise. It's a metal band called 'Sanity's Fall"! I think you might like them." He didn't really think that, but he hoped that Travis would at least try. The blonde let out a long sigh and took the earbud, placing it in his ear.

First he heard a nice melody, which quickly turned into a guitar solo - so far so good. Then, the singing started, and oh boy, did Travis hate it. To him it sounded like distorted puke sounds. He frowned and looked at Sal. 'How could he willingly listen to... THIS?'

Sal was bobbing his head to the beats of the music. Travis stared at him out of the corner of his eye. Even though he hated the music, he somehow liked.. this. Them listening to music together - he liked it, even if 'music' isn't the word he'd use.

"So, do you like it?" Sal asked, looking at Travis.
"Hello? Travis." Sal waved his hand infront of Travis' eyes. The blonde guy stopped, immiedieatly looking at Sal.
"What?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes. Sal looked up at him with slight annoyance in his eye. He sighed. "Did you like it?" He asked again. Travis looked at him puzzled. His mind was on something else for the whole time. "The song? Did you like the sing, dude?" He asked for the last time.

"Oh, right!" He opened up his mouth with a slight smile on his face. "No, I completely hated it. It's the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life. How could you ACTUALLY listen to.. THAT?" He scoffed.

Sal seemed pretty chill about this. "It's good music. Helps me chill out, especially when I'm pissed." He stated, turning up the volume. Travis got the message. The short boy turned the volume down chuckling.

"I'm just joking, sorry" He chuckled. His prosthetic shifted up. He was smiling. Travis bit his tongue to stop himself from laughing and smiling too. He handed Sal back the earbud and the rest of the way to school was completely silent, but it didn't seem as awkward as it did before.

Travis stared at Sal until they entered the school building.

The first class was starting soon. It was biology. He sighed as he entered the classroom, seeing all the students. His vision focused on Todd and Neil. He made his way to his seat, which was exactly behind them.

"Faggots." He mumbled as he walked past them. Todd frowned at his comment, and Neil turned to him.

"Dude, can't you focus in your own life? In what way are we harming you?" He exclaimed. Travis grimaced as he tried to think of a reply.

"You're distracting me with your gay shit. I can't focus on learning. You can fuck after school can't you?" He scoffed. Todd turned to him as well.

"Travis, we're not doing anything that could possibly distract you." He said, pushing his glasses up with one finger. Neil smirked at Travis.
"Yeah, unless you just like looking at men. I mean, I wouldn't be too surprised, considering... well..." He  chuckled. Travis stood up, pushing his chair back.
"What? Considering what?" He shouted. Neil and Todd laughed. "Well, at least I'm not some fucking faggots, who's bitching about his nerd of a boyfriend. God will never love you!" He hit his desk, panting. The whole class looked at him, they laughed.
"Wait, are they actually gay?" Someone shouted. Travis laughed.

"Yeah, I saw them making out behind cafeteria last week! It was disgusting!" He answered, after that, more people joined in.
"I saw them holding hands in the halls today!"
"I heard them kissing in the bathroom some time ago!"
"Eww, that's gross!"
Todd lied down on the desk, and Neil stood up, pushing Travis to the wall. His back hit the concrete, giving him instand back and chest pain, followed by long and loud coughing. Damn, he was strong. Travis groaned and swinged his arm at the boy, hitting him in the nose, giving him a messy nosebleed.

The blood was smeared all over Travis' knuckles. He smudged it against his sweater, disgust painted all over his face. He went in for another punch. This time, he hit his collarbone, pushing his onto the desk.

Neil kicked him in the stomach, pushing him away. Travis squealed in pain, panting. He felt his muscles treble. His breath was inconsistent and shallow. He inhaled sharply, groaning as he stormed out if the classroom, still hearing laughs and chuckled behind his back.

Travis accelerated with each step, stomping in the creaking wooden floor. As he walked through the empty halls, he saw Sal's locker, immieaditly recognizing it by the stickers covering it's scratched and dented surface.

Travis walked up to the locker, staring at the decorations and sticker. He gently peeled the corner of one of them with his split and broken fingernails. His fingers were long and slim, the only thing ruining them were his ugly nails.

He clenched his hands into fists, quickly leaving the school building. Now that his dad wasn't able to control him, why should he stay in school? Travis messed his hair up, heading to the Nockfell Park.

Guess he'll miss the bologna sandwiches after all - what a shame.



i struggled with lots of problems, mostly based around school, but now that the school years gonna be over in like two weeks, im gonna post more!!

once again, im really sorry

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks so much for reading ^_^🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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