Chapter Three - Isolation.

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I'm here now.

I'm not going back.

I can't go back.

The wind made a whistling sound as it slid trough the slightly opened windows. That sound distracted Travis from his thoughts, but they'd always get the better of him. Thiughts tend to do that, don't they?
He sat on the couch and looked around the house. It looked like it's been through a lot. There were empty alcohol bottles on the kitchen counter, tables and the floor. One of them was even under the couch.

He reached for the bottle and looked at it. The smell made Travis scrunch his nose. It looked pretty old. It was definately after the expiration date. He tried to put the bottle back, but he noticed it wasn't empty.

What the..

He gently slided the bottle back to where he found it, and continued to look around the house.

He noticed even more bottles, some empty, and some still had some liquid inside. Travis also spotted some packs of cigarettes.

That doesn't look too good.

Travis lied down again and closed his eyes. He turned a few times. It took him some time, but he finally fell asleep.


*beep! beep! beep!*

Sal hit his alarm gently, trying to turn it off. He missed the "off" button twice.

"..third time's the charm." He muttered out. His voice was still raspy and weak after sleeping. He reached for his prosthetic and put it close to his face.

He held it there using his knee as a pillar, and then tightened the straps his both of his hands.

He coughed loudly.

Sal looked for Gizmo, but he couldn't find him in his room. The door was slightly open.

"Gizmo? Where are you?" He mumbled to himself.

Sal went down the stairs, to look for his cat, and noticed him lying on Travis' chest.


Gizmo woke up and blinked two times. He noticed Sal, and streched, still being on top of Travis. He put his paws on the boys face, waking him up.

"Gah- Sal? W.. what is this cat doing here" Travis muttered.

Travis moved his face as far away from the cat as he could.

Sal petted Gizmo. He purred.

"It's my cat! His name's Gizmo" Sal smiled under the prosthetic, as he continued to pet the cat.

"You.. have a cat?" Travis didn't think Sal would have a pet.

"Yeah, dude! He's like, part of the family, you know?"

Travis held back the urge to say something rude.

"okay" he muttered.

Sal looked at Travis. He noticed that the boy was bleeding a little. He had a swollen eye, it probably originated from a bruise. There were tiny cuts under his eye. The blood drops were forming something Sal would call a "tiny waterfall".

The blood was on his hands, and on Travis' pillow.

Sals eyes widened. "Holy shit! You're bleeding!"

Travis gently touched his wounds and eyelids. "it's fine."

Sal grabbed his hand and pulled it away from his face. "Don't touch it!" He put his hand on the couch and let it go. "Travis, it's not fine. Jus- just wait here, aight? I'll get you something" Sal ran to the kitchen, then to the bathroom.

Wish you were here. [Sal x Travis]Where stories live. Discover now