Chapter Three - The Call.

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He opened the door to his house, and noticed his father in the hall.

"Travis!" He yelled. "You're late! We were supposed to leave for church 15 minutes ago!" he growled, and hit Travis in the face. He held back a painful squeal as Kenneth hit him straight in his swollen eye. He stood there and took it.

"I'm very sorry, sir. It will never happen again."

"Oh, it won't" he laughed manically. "And I'll make sure of that." He kicked him in the stomach. Travis arched and almost whimpered in pain. He grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him closer. Kenneth's breath stank of bad meat and alcohol. Travis closed his eyes, biting his tongue to stay quiet.

"Go study. Showing up late is going to make me look bad, you little shit. You better not do that again." He growled, letting go of him and giving him one last push. Travis couldn't get rid of the feeling if his touch.

"..yes, father."

He went up the stairs and ran inside his room. Tears fell down his face, as he picked up his phone

He gripped it. It was Nokia 101. Travis repeated Sals number in his head. He did it so often, he hadit memorised by now.

What do i text him?

He threw himself onto his bed, and looked up at his phone.


"Hey Sal."

He messily clicked the numbers in his phone, which turned into letters.

It sounds stupid.

He was about to delete the messages, but Sal responded.


"Heya Travvy! Sup??"


"Do not call me "Travvy", Sally face."


"chill out, Travis"


"I hate you, Sal."


"I know you dont"


"Go fuck yourself"


"Whyd u text me???"


"You told me to"


"well then"
"Are you okay?"


He waited for a while, ready to send the text. He wiped the tears off of his face.
"Not really."

"You wanna call?"



Sal waited for Travis to call.

Travis held his finger slightly above the "call" button.

He called him.

"hey, Travis, you good?"

Travis stuttered, and said quietly.

"I don't want to be here anymore, Sal"

"Be where?"

"Here. Home."

Travis bit his finger to hold back his shakey voice.

"Do you need my help?"


"Travis?" Sal sounded more concerned

"I can help you, Travis."

The blonde haired boy mumbled.


"Do you need to.."

He stopped for a while. For some reason he felt like he had to help him. Even though it was one of his worst enemies.

" away..?"

"w.. would you help me with that, Sal..?"


"Why do you wanna run away though? If it's a sensitive subject you don't gotta tell me man."

Travis stood up and started oacking his most valuable things. He stuttered.

"My.. my dad's.. intense."

"..i see"


They talked for a while, until Travis had to hang up, when he heard his Dad's footsteps. He opened a biology book and sat at his desk, pretending to be studying. He sat up straight, his back cracking as he did so.

His dad opened the door, and closed it without a word.

Travis then went to bed, and put his phone under his pillow, placing his hand next to it so he could feel the vibrations
The call sound was off, but the vibrations were on, so he could wake up, without waking up his parents.
Sal was supposed to call him as soon as he reached his house

*Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt*

The vibrations woke Travis up. Heturbed the alarm off, and looked out the window. He saw a shady figure approach his house.

Travis noticed two bright pigtails.

Sal Fisher.

"I can't believe i'm doing this." He whispered and gently opened his window.

He started climbing down, putting his feet on the pillars. Sal put his hands up in case Travis fell down.

Luckily, he didn't.

"Come on! We gotta be quick!" Sal grabbed Travis by the wrist and started to run. The neighborhood has covered in puddles and mud - it wasnt cold though, just raining. The water splashed as they ran through the wet splotches in the pavement.

They got to the apartments, and quietly entered them. Sal opened the door, messing up his hair with the other hand.

"This place stinks, Sally Face."

"Do you want to go back, then?" He joked.

Travis stayed quiet as they entered the elevator. Sal pushed the floor two button, leaning against the wall as the elevator started to lift them up.
They entered Sals apartment.

"You can sleep on the couch for now. Do you need anything?"

Travis shook his head. "No."

Sal frowned under his prosthetic, and turned on his heel, heading towards his room.

"Wait!" He exclaimed, trying to fix his damp hair.

"Yes, Travis?" Sal looked back at him.

"Thank you.. Sal." He mumbled, sitting down on the couch and slouching.

"Its okay. Im.. glad to help"

Travis looked away, and smiled slightly, and weakly.

Sal also smiled, but it was even less visible.

"Well, I'll see you in the morning" Sal said.

"Goodnight, Travis" He added.

"..Goodnight, Sal." He mumbled and lied on the couch.


edit: uhhhh i fixed this up a bit i hope its better now😣😣

also thanks soso much for reading!!!

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