Late Night Visit

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After he'd seen Stolas' message to visit any time he'd like, Blitzø's mind was scrambled. He didn't know what to say, so he left the prince on read and set his phone down, falling asleep not long after.


Striker pushed his knife all the way through Stolas' shoulder, then attempted to stab him in the eye as he rambled on about how the red would be a nice way to remember the moment. He failed, luckily, but managed to get real close to his eye. I stood there watching, and couldn't move. I wanted to do something, I did. But I couldn't, I didn't.

He had blood spilling from his legs and arms, and even his mouth. There were multiple stab wounds on his shoulder but you couldn't tell because of the color of his blood. But I knew. Small cuts all over his face. Blood pouring out of the stab wounds next to his eye.

He was choking on his own blood, and despite the large possibility of him dying from choking or from blood loss, Striker stabbed Stolas again, but in his knee. It looked like Stolas swallowed all the blood in his mouth before he was stabbed in the same spot again. He let out a loud cry of pain.

My eyes started to water. Watching Stolas be in this much pain hurt me. I watched as the knife pierced Stolas' hip, and he let out another loud cry.

Blitzø awoke with a gasp. "He— he didn't get hurt that bad, did he?" he said to himself, clutching the front of his shirt. He turned his head to look at the time as he rubbed the tears off his face that he had cried as he was asleep.

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Visiting hours have been over for Satan knows how long! Fucking shit!" he whisper yelled to himself through gritted teeth. He jumped off the couch and ran out the door, not bothering to grab a jacket.

Once he actually exited the building, he noticed how cold it was, but he was determined to go see Stolas. He started running full speed in the direction to the hospital.

He looked in every window on the first floor to see if the bird was in any of the rooms. He wasn't. Blitzø found a way to climb up to the second floor, and the first window he saw on that floor had the curtains open. There was a clear view of Stolas, sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed.

He opened the window and climbed through, then closed it as quietly as he could. He cautiously walked to the bed and sat down on the floor next to it.

Stolas was wrapped up, but definitely wasn't as hurt as Blitzø had dreamed. He sighed out of relief, and apparently he was either too close to him or he was just too loud because Stolas' eyes opened a little bit. He groaned and shut his eyes tight.

"Who are you?" he said, having not seen Blitzø's face when he woke up. The imp was surprised, but felt his heart flutter when he heard the tired voice of the prince in front of him.

"You're awake? Stolas, I—" Blitzø tried to say, but was cut off.

"Blitzø?!" Stolas said quietly but clearly with concern as he immediately sat up, wincing in the process. "Did you... you came to see me?"

"Stolas, lay back down. You're not— you can't— just lie down," Blitzø said as he stood up and carefully helped Stolas lay back down comfortably. "Are you okay?" he asked.

The avian stared at him, the light from his glowing eyes showing a light pink tint on his face. "Not physically, but I am just relieved you came to visit me," he admitted. "I didn't think you would." Blitzø looked at him with an expression that was unfamiliar with Stolas.

"You don't think I care about you, do you?" Blitzø asked with genuine concern. "Stolas, I— I care." Stolas stared at him with hope in his eyes that he'd say more. Blitzø didn't know what else to say, so he didn't.

"Blitzø," Stolas said.

"Blitzy," the imp said. "I miss that. It irritates me when you say it in public, but... when we're alone, I don't mind it. PDA is not my thing," he pointed out.

Stolas sighed. "Blitzy," he corrected himself with a smile. "It's sweet that you care so much," he said as he used his uninjured arm to reach out and put his fingers under the smaller demon's chin. He chuckled, then winced at the movement in his shoulder.

"I love you, my dear Blitzy~" he said in a sing-song voice. Blitzø felt his face warm up a bit. He grabbed Stolas' wrist and moved his hand away from his face. He wanted to say something, but his body wouldn't let him.

Finally, he said after he let out a sigh, "I... should go. Sorry for waking you up. I know that you're injured, you need as much rest as possible." He felt a weird feeling in his chest, like there were insects or bats flying around in there.

"Blitzy, wait—"

"Just let me go. Promise me you'll go back to sleep," Blitzø interrupted as he walked over to the window and opened it. "Goodnight, Stolas."

He climbed out of the window and jumped. Once he was out of view for about two seconds, Stolas heard him yell, "OW! FUCK!" He giggled.

He used his magic to make his phone float into his good hand. "Are you alright?" he asked in a text that he sent to Blitzø.

A few seconds later, he saw a text bubble pop up on the screen. "Holly shut yoi herd that?" Stolas laughed quietly to himself about Blitzø's badly misspelled texts. He put the phone down on the bed next to him and went back to sleep.


Blitzø made his way back home. His vision was blurry from tears as he opened the door. He didn't know why he was crying when tears started to fall. All Stolas did was say 'I love you' and he knows it's not something to cry about. What's wrong with someone telling you they love you?

He staggered over to the couch and sat upright on it with his knees pulled up to his face. He quietly sobbed into his arms without knowing why. He heard a door close and quickly wiped the tears off of his face.

"Blitzø?" Loona said after she yawned. Blitzø cleared his throat as an attempt to get rid of the evidence that he was crying before he turned and looked at his adopted daughter.

"Yes, Loony?" he asked. Loona rolled her eyes and looked back at him.

"Are you okay? Did you get drunk again?" she asked. He shook his head. "Okay, then what's wrong? I know you were crying, I heard it when I opened my door," she said, obviously skeptical.

Blitzø hesitated. "I... don't know," he said. "It's really dumb."

"I don't care how dumb it is, just tell me." Loona sat next to him on the couch and he pulled his knees back up, but only to his chest.

"I snuck into Stolas' room. The one he's in at the hospital. He told me that he... loves... me." He could feel his eyes watering again. Loona's eyes widened.

"Blitzø, that's amazing! I've seen the way you two look at each other, you know. It's kind of obvious you lo—"

"Don't even say it!" he said. Her eyes widened even more. "I... don't wanna hear it," he said quietly with  a couple barely noticable (but still noticable) voice cracks.

"Now that I think of it, you always push everybody away that you have even a small chance of falling in love with. Why do you do that? You deserve love, and you won't let yourself have it. Why?" Loona rambled. She sounded truly curious. Blitzø looked at her and sighed.

"Everybody I ever cared about left, Loona. Everybody but you. My dad, my best friend. Everyone." He put his hand on one of his horns and ran his fingers over the surface of it as a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Da— Blitzø, I don't think he'd leave you. Actually, I've seen the look in his eyes when you guys are together, and I can tell he wouldn't ever leave you. He loves you," she tried to convince him. He just stared at the floor.

"Go back to bed, Loona. We had multiple clients call in like five minutes before we closed today. We have to start business bright and early tomorrow," he said, avoiding having to talk any more about this. Loona sighed, figuring she might as well listen because he had a point. She got up and walked back to her room, then shut the door.

Blitzø lied down on his side and curled up into a ball. He eventually fell back to sleep after the adventure he had since he woke up before.

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