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Blitzø was sitting in his office, banging his head on his desk out of boredom. He couldn't stop thinking about his date with Stolas. It went absolutely perfect. Almost.

He grumbled between headbangs on his desk. He was so embarrassed. He told Stolas he loves him. On their first date. What if Stolas and him never make things exclusive because of his bold move? Even though Stolas said it first.

He could have said he wasn't ready to say something like that yet. But he didn't, and now he regretted it. He did think he loved Stolas, truly. But he wasn't ready for something like that.

He was so caught up on that, he didn't even realize how much he missed the owl boy. He couldn't help but miss him. He just... wanted him. And only him.

He heard the door to the I.M.P. rooms open, and immediately ran out of his office. He was very pleased with what he saw.

"Is Blitzø here? I was getting a feeling that I- Blitzø! Hello, darling!" Stolas spoke softly with a smile on his face.

Blitzø ran toward Stolas and jumped on him. Stolas held him, shocked by the sudden ambush. "I missed you," the imp whispered. "Can we talk? Please?" He sounded a little nervous, which worried the prince.

"Yes, of course." Stolas said. He put Blitzø down and they walked into the imp's office together. Once the door was shut, he said, "What's wrong, darling?"

"I don't know if you'll like it... it's about what happened on our date." the imp replied. He was twiddling his thumbs nervously.

"What happened on our date, dear?" Stolas asked, his eyes full of love and concern. Blitzø looked away from him, thinking about how he should say what he wanted to.

"Stolas, I- I told you that I love you. But I- I just don't... I don't think I'm ready to say that. I- I'm... I'm sorry," Blitzø stammered. His fists were clenched. He was worried that Stolas wouldn't be okay with this.

Stolas smiled and crouched down to Blitzø's eye level. He chuckled and cupped Blitzø's face to make him look at him. "It's alright. We can take things slow until you're ready, okay?" Stolas smiled at the imp, who returned a nervous smile.

Blitzø's smile got bigger. "Thank you, Stolas." He moved forward and hugged Stolas tightly. The prince returned the embrace. "I don't deserve you, you're too damn sweet." Blitzø chuckled.

Stolas chuckled. "I'm not so sure about that, love," he said. Blitzø pulled away from the hug and looked Stolas in the eyes.

The two couldn't help but laugh the longer Blitzø stared. "Sh- shut the fuck- hah- up!" Blitzø said while laughing. They didn't know where this little fit of laughter came from, but it was fun. They liked having moments like this together.

"Hey, uh, you wanna go out again? Like... this Friday? If you're free," Blitzø said once it was over. Stolas smiled down at him.

"I'd love to, but unfortunately I'm a bit busy Friday. Divorce stuff, court stuff. I'm free Saturday, though, if you are," he said. He looked away for a second. "We could... watch a movie? If you want. If you're free, I mean."

Blitzø looked at his calendar. "Hm. No, I'm not busy Saturday either. So... Saturday?" he said, looking back at Stolas with an awkward smile. He waited patiently for an answer.

"Saturday is great. So, a movie at the palace is alright?" Stolas asked. He was smiling a small smile. Blitzø nodded, smiling.

"Yeah. Movie it is. As long as it's not like those shows you watch, a movie is fine." Blitzø chuckled as Stolas walked toward the door of his office.

"Alright, I will see you on Saturday then. Bye, Blitzy!" Stolas said as he walked through the door of Blitzø's office. He blew a kiss and shut the door.

Blitzø sat back down in his chair, staring at the door. "Bye," he said quietly, although he knew Stolas couldn't hear him. He didn't care.

Shortly after, as Blitzø was sitting at his desk drawing horses because he still had nothing to do, Millie burst into the room.

"Way to go, B!" she exclaimed. Blitzø looked up at her, confused.

"Huh?" he asked, making a face. Millie shook her head. "What do you mean, 'way to go'?" he asked. His head was tilted to the side ever so slightly.

Millie shook her head again. "You know what I mean, Blitzø! Come onnnn! A date with the prince of Hell? That's awesome!"

"It's not that big of a deal, Mills. I've known him forever," Blitzø said, looking back at his paper.

"It's a huge deal, Blitzø! It don't matter how long you've known him! You, an imp, are going out with the prince of Hell!" she yelled. She had a smile on her face that went ear-to-ear.

Blitzø shook his head. "Yeah, yeah. Who told you? Was it Moxxie? If it was Moxxie I'll kick his fucking ass, do not play with me!" As he said this, he stood up from his chair.

"No, it wasn't Moxxie. It was Stolas. Stolas told me. Well- us. Moxxie asked what your relationship with him is, and Stolas said you guys are currently just going out." She paused. "But it's still pretty damn cool that one of the lowest ranked demons is going out with a prince!"

Blitzø rolled his eyes. "It's not cool, Millie. I bet everyone else in Hell would see that and think it's weird," he said. Millie's smile disappeared.

"Don't say that, Blitzø! It's not weird. It's nice that you're finally out of your shell and found someone who makes you happy," she replied.

"Get out," Blitzø said as he looked back at his paper again. Millie pouted. He looked up at Millie again. "I said, get out. I meant it."

Millie sighed and turned around, then left Blitzø's office.

Blitzø shook his head and looked back down at his paper again. He continued to draw horses as he hummed a silly tune.

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