Steps Toward Forgiveness

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Stolas awoke on the couch with a sleeping Blitzø cuddled close next to him. He felt his face grow warm, but it immediately cooled down when he remembered the previous night. He had been so focused on Octavia and her behavior that he hadn't even noticed Blitzø slipping in beside him.

As he carefully removed himself from Blitzø's embrace and made his way to the kitchen, Stolas couldn't help but think about Octavia. He knew he needed to talk to her, to clear the air and make things right. But he wasn't sure how to approach the subject without making things worse. He knew how angsty and sensitive teenagers her age were.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table by the window, lost in thought. Blitzø stumbled into the kitchen a few minutes later, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Morning," Blitzø mumbled, pouring himself a cup of coffee. A small amount managed to spill out when he picked it up and took a sip of it. Of course, he didn't notice. He was still half asleep.

"Good morning," Stolas replied, taking a sip of his own coffee.

Blitzø looked at Stolas for a moment, then seemed to remember something. "Hey, how's Octavia doing?" he asked.

Stolas sighed. "Not great, I'm afraid. I haven't heard from her since she stormed out of the living room last night."

Blitzø frowned. "Well, do you think she's okay?"

"I don't know," Stolas replied, his voice heavy with worry. "I just know that I need to talk to her, to try and make things right." He nervously pulled on his feathers, trying to come up with the right words to say.

Blitzø nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'm sure you'll figure it out, Stolas," he said as he flipped through the newspaper.

Stolas smiled weakly, grateful for Blitzø's support. "Thanks, Blitzø."

They both sat in silence for a few moments, Blitzø lost in the text of the newspaper, and Stolas lost in his thoughts. Finally, Stolas spoke up. "I think I'm going to go up to Octavia's room and try to talk to her. Do you want to come with me?"

Blitzø put his coffee down and shook his head. "No, I don't think I should. I'll probably just say something wrong and mess everything up again.

Stolas smiled in understanding. He finished his coffee and stood up from his seat. He knew that talking to Octavia wasn't going to be easy, but he also knew that it was something he had to do.

"Alright, I'll let you know how it goes," Stolas said before heading upstairs to Octavia's room.

He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He tried again, but still nothing. He was starting to get worried. Finally, he decided to just go in.

Octavia was lying on her bed, her eyes closed. She looked like she had been crying. Stolas felt his heart break at the sight of her like this.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Oh, my dear sweet Via," he said softly.

Octavia opened her eyes and looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face. "Why did you do it, Dad?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Stolas felt his own tears start to fall. He knew he had hurt her deeply. "I'm so sorry, Octavia."

Octavia sat up, wiping away her tears. "I know, Dad. It's just not fair,"

Stolas nodded. "You're right, Via. It isn't fair. Your behavior was completely understandable, but Blitzø was just trying to be kind, dear. He never wanted to hurt you,"

Octavia looked at him for a long moment, then finally nodded. "I know. It just... sucks. Why did you do it, Dad? You guys ruined everything."

"Via, I... I need you to understand that your mother has always been the way she is, and it hasn't ever been exactly... healthy." He paused for a moment. "When he treated me the way he did, it was refreshing. I know this won't change anything, and I know it doesn't make it okay, but I'm sorry."

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