A Dramatic Recovery

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The day had come that Blitzø had to pick up Stolas. He was working when he remembered.

"Oh, shit!" he said, dropping the presumably dead body of a human male he had been holding up and stabbing. His employees looked at him.

"What is it, Blitzø?" Millie asked as she stomped repeatedly on a lady's face. He looked at her.

"I'm supposed to pick up Stolas today. What time is it?" he asked, patting his pockets to see if his phone was in any of them. It wasn't. "Motherfucker! My phone must've fallen out of my pocket."

"It's two thirty-five," Moxxie said. Blitzø facepalmed.

"Loona, open the fucking portal!" he yelled at his adopted daughter, who was just standing there watching. She did as she was told and Blitzø ran through it. The portal closed as he immediately ran out of the meeting room.

He ran outside to the parking lot and unlocked the van, then jumped inside it. He started it and immediately was speeding down the freeway to the hospital.

Once he was there and parked, he hopped out of the van, locked it, and ran inside the hospital.

"I'm here to pick up the prince," he said, grabbing a pen out of the little mug on the counter. The lady behind the counter pulled out a little notepad.

"Your name is?"


"Okay," she wrote something down on the notepad and when she stopped, she said, "go ahead."

Blitzø walked to the elevator and pressed the call button. When the doors opened, he walked in and pressed the button that makes the elevator bring him to the second floor.

He walked out and to Stolas' room when the elevator doors opened again. "Sorry I'm a little late, I was working and lost track of time," he said. Stolas smiled at him.

"It's quite alright, Blitzø," he responded.

"You ready to go?" Blitzø asked as he held out a hand. Stolas took it as he nodded, trying to get out of the bed. "You're way too tall for these hospital beds, aren't you?" the imp said with a smile as the prince finally managed to get out of the bed and stand up.

Stolas nodded again, chuckling. "I believe so," he said. He and Blitzø walked carefully out of the room and to the elevator, which he had to bend down a bit to fit into.

He was wearing his usual attire finally, and the small wrappings were gone, but the big cast on his arm was still there. Blitzø was sort of relieved to see he wasn't all wrapped up like a mummy anymore.

"Hey, I— uh, it's good you're doing better," he said, Stolas looked down at him as they walked through the elevator doors.

"I appreciate that, Blitzø. I'm also happy you came to visit me last week. It was a nice surprise," he replied with a comforting smile. Blitzø smiled awkwardly back at him, slouched forward with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I... wasn't really expecting me to visit either. But I'm glad I did, Stolas." Blitzø smiled at the owl demon beside him.

"Thank you. Your visit really did mean a lot to me. It's always nice to have someone by your side, you know?" Stolas said, returning the smile. Blitzø's heart sank.

"Um... yeah," he said with a quiet, solemn tone. The taller creature stopped smiling and gave a concerned look.

"Is everything alright, Blitzø? I'm here for you too, you know. If you ever need someone to talk to, or just want some company, I'm here for you," he said as he walked around the front of the van and got in the passenger seat. Blitzø got in on the driver's side and started the vehicle.

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