A "Visit" To The Hospital

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Blitzø grabbed Moxxie by the neck. "I'm not fucking doing it, and I'm also not entirely thrilled with the fact that Loona told you about what's going on with me and Stolas," he yelled, and as he finished speaking, he glared at Loona.

He let go of Moxxie. "Sir, I respect your boundaries, but you really need to be more open with your feelings. I think you know that asking out the prince is a good way to start. If he says no -which I doubt he will- then that's it," Moxxie said.

Blitzø was starting to get irritated. "No, I'm not doing it, Moxxie. I don't give a shit what the fuck you say, to try and convince me. I'm not fucking doing it," he said.

"He loves you, Blitzø!" Loona said finally. She was irritated. She knew her dad loved the Goetia prince too, but she knew he wouldn't admit to it. "I know from the way you look at him that you love him too. Look, I don't know a lot about love and neither do you, but I know you know I'm right."

Blitzø's mind was all over the place. The air felt thicker with every breath he took, it was like his throat was closing up.

Fuck, he thought as his eyes bolted everywhere in the room but at the three people in front of him. They rolled back and then everything went black.


He awoke in a hospital, the same hospital Stolas was in. Millie, Moxxie, and Loona were all standing around him. As soon as he realized where he was, he sat up faster than the speed of light.

"What floor are we on?" he asked, implying for anyone to answer.

"We are on the second floor, sir," Moxxie answered. Blitzø immediately looked out the window. He recognized the view. It was just slightly more to the side than it was in Stolas' room.

"What time is it?!" he asked.

"It's seven forty-nine," Loona responded. The taller imp bolted out of the bed. He realized he wasn't wearing his long blazer he normally wore with his suit. It was hung up by the door, and instead of his undershirt he normally wore under the blazer, he was wearing a normal white T-shirt with his pants.

"What the fuck?" he said aloud. He shook off whatever thoughts he was having and ran toward the door. Everybody followed him, but when he opened the door, he immediately ran out and into the room next to the one he was in.

"Stolas!" he said loudly as he ran into Stolas' room, not bothering to shut the door. Only Loona came in.

He jumped into the empty space next to Stolas and wrapped his arms around the taller creature. The owl demon stared at the imp in shock.

"Blitzy! What's wrong, darling?" he asked. Blitzø said nothing. "Blitzy?" he repeated. Blitzø looked up at the curious and rather concerned prince next to him. The imp couple quietly entered the room to see what was going on. Blitzø buried his face back in the owl demon's chest.

Stolas giggled. "Bliiiitzyy~" he said in a teasing and playful voice that was rather high and sing-songy.

"Whath do you wampt, you honny puck?" he muffled out. The owl laughed quietly to himself. "You're lucky you're hurt, otherwise I'd punch you," Blitzø said after taking his face out of Stolas' chest.

"Don't you worry, you can use as many bear traps as you'd like when I'm out of here, darling," Stolas replied. He caressed Blitzø's cheek, and the imp started to make a purring noise.

The hellhound and the two shorter imps left the room and shut the door behind them.

Stolas smiled as he rubbed his thumb up and down on Blitzø's cheek. The imp continued to make the purring noise. He could feel the owl's heart beating.

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