A Surprise

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Stolas strode into I.M.P., his feathers ruffled and his tiny white pupils showing. "Hello, Millie," he called out, "Is Blitzø around? I have a surprise for him."

Millie looked up from the axe she was sharpening, a sly grin on her face. "He's in his office," she said, "But you might want to blindfold him before you show him what you've got planned. He's a peeker."

Stolas grinned in return, his heart racing with anticipation. He made his way to Blitzø's office, where he found his friend slumped over his desk, looking bored. "Hey, Blitzø," Stolas said, "I've got something I want to show you. But first, I need you to trust me and put on this blindfold."

Blitzø looked up, a curious expression on his face. "What is it?" he asked.

"You'll see," Stolas replied, a mischievous glint in his eye. He helped Blitzø tie the blindfold securely, then took his hand and led him towards the wall, where he opened the portal. With a deep breath, he stepped through, holding tightly onto Blitzø's hand. When they emerged on the other side, Stolas carefully removed the blindfold.

Blitzø gasped in amazement at the sight before him: a vast field filled with horses running free. "Stolas, this is- this is amazing!" he exclaimed happily.

"I'm glad you like it, Blitzø," Stolas replied with a soft smile. The sat on the grass together, watching the horses as they galloped freely through the field.

Blitzø's heart raced. "I- why did you- Stolas!" he was at a loss for words, smiling uncontrollably. Stolas couldn't help but smile as well, admiring how happy Blitzø was.

They sat there a few minutes and Blitzø looked at Stolas. His heart was pounding out of his chest. He took a deep breath.

He couldn't believe what he was about to say.

"Stolas, I- I know it might sound crazy, but I think I- love... you," he said as he sat on his knees. He put a hand on Stolas' shoulder. The prince chuckled.

"Are you certain you're not just saying that because I brought you here, Blitzø?" he responded with a laugh. Blitzø nodded.

"No, no. I- I mean it, Stolas. I love you, so call me darling, dear, Blitzy. Call me anything you want, Stolas. I'm yours."

Stolas gently picked up Blitzø's hand and held it. "Would you like to go out with me, Blitzø?" he asked, a warm smile on his face. He gave the imp's hand a squeeze.

Blitzø's heart skipped a beat. "Stolas, I would love to," he replied, his eyes bright with happiness. "What should we do?"

Stolas thought for a moment before answering. "How about we come back here this Saturday? There's a hill over there, we can set up a picnic under that tree that's up on it. I can have a butler prepare a few things, and I can bring fruit. We can sit in the shade and enjoy the view," he rambled.

Blitzø smiled, liking the idea. "That sounds perfect, Stolas. I can bring a blanket and a few drinks. It'll be good," he said.

They exchanged a loving look, their hearts beating in sync.

They stayed at the field for another half hour, enjoying each other's company. Stolas stood up and stretched. "We should probably get going, Blitzø." He opened a portal again and smiled when he turned back to the small creature on the grass.

Blitzø looked up at Stolas and stood up. "Right, sorry," he said, smiling.

As they walked through the portal, Stolas picked Blitzø up. Blitzø couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building up inside him. He had no idea how badly he wanted this.

Stolas, too, felt a sense of happiness and contentment. He did love Blitzø, very, very much. He was a bit hesitant to take their relationship a step forward, but he was glad he did it. He felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He was looking forward to everything ahead of that moment.

They shared a kiss, it was short but sweet, and filled with all the emotion they had been holding back for so long.

It was a perfect moment that made them know for sure that they had made the right decision. As Stolas closed the portal, he held Blitzø close, his heart beating with excitement. They were both looking forward to their date the upcoming Saturday. They knew that day was just the beginning.

Stolas set Blitzø down gently on the ground. "I'll see you on Saturday, Blitzø," he said, smiling warmly at the imp. "I can hardly wait."

Blitzø smiled back at him. "I can't wait either, Stolas," he said softly. "It's gonna be great." He watched as Stolas opened a different portal to his palace.

With that, they parted ways, each of them looking forward to the weekend ahead. They knew that their relationship was only going to grow stronger from that moment on, and they were excited to see where it would take them.

With that, they exchanged a look and Stolas stepped through the portal.

Blitzø watched as Stolas disappeared through the portal, which closed shortly after. He felt a sense of longing and anticipation building up inside his chest. He couldn't stop smiling when he thought of what Saturday would be like. He went and sat at his desk, staring at the spot the portal used to be with a lovestruck smile.

He heard a familiar voice calling out to him. He didn't bother to look up.

Blitzø grinned back at him, feeling happy. "Not much, just had a really great day," he said. He sighed, still smiling. "Saturday is gonna be amazing," he said quietly. He looked at Moxxie.

Moxxie raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, really?" he said. "Do tell." He leaned on Blitzø's desk.

Blitzø rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but feel excited. He was full of hope that Saturday would be perfect, with nothing to get in the way.

Blitzø didn't feel like telling Moxxie, because he knew he'd tell Millie, and she'd immediately start fangirling and asking tons of questions. He reeeeaaaaallllyyyyyyyy didn't wanna deal with that. He wasn't telling anybody yet.

Maybe when it was over.

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