A Safe Haven

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Blitzø had spent the entire day thinking about Stolas. He couldn't shake the memory of the look on Stolas' face when he saw him having a panic attack. Pure concern. He couldn't shake the memory of Stolas kissing him on the head before he left his office. It felt like heaven, and he didn't know if that was good or bad.

He was sitting at his desk, trying to focus on the paperwork in front of him, when he heard a noise behind him. "Stol-!" He jumped, his heart racing as her turned around. He saw that it was just Loona, standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face.

"Jumpy much?" she said, laughing.

Blitzø scowled at her. "What do you want, Loona? I'm trying to focus."

"I just came in here to see if you wanna go out with me and M&M for a drink after work," she said, still grinning.

Blitzø sighed. He knew he needed to take his mind off of Stolas, but he wasn't in the mood to go out. "Not tonight, Loony. Maybe another time."

Loona shrugged. "Suit yourself. But don't work too hard, Blitzø. You'll give yourself a heart attack."

Blitzø watched as she walked away, feeling a pang of guilt. He knew he was being unfair to her. Loona was a good employee and a good daughter, not to mention friend. But he couldn't help the way he felt. He was consumed with thoughts of Stolas.


Blitzø had been working himself to the bone, trying to avoid thinking about Stolas. He started spending hours upon hours upon hours in his office, pushing himself to the limit. He started having panic attacks more frequently because of all the stress, but he didn't think much of it.

Despite all the stress and tension, Blitzø kept pushing himself. He was so focused on not focusing on Stolas that he didn't realize how much he was hurting himself mentally.

One day, he walked into his office and immediately felt the atmosphere change. It was like a switch had been flipped, and everything was bad again. His knees buckled when he shut the door, and he ended up leaning against it. He got up and walked over to his desk, beginning his work.


Blitzø was sitting at his desk, trying to focus on his work. His heart was racing, and he felt like he couldn't catch his breath. He tried to take deep breaths, but it only made things worse. His hands were shaking, and he felt like he was going to die.

He tried to stand up, but his legs wouldn't support him. He fell back into his chair, feeling like he was suffocating. He couldn't think straight, and his mind was running in circles.

He tried to call for help, but his voice was barely a whisper. He was alone, and he didn't know what to do. He tried to calm himself down, but it was like trying to stop a freight train with his bare hands.

His chest started to ache and he started to sweat. I need to get out of this stupid room, he thought as he stood up. Immediately, his knees buckled and he fell. He crawled to the door, trying to hold his breath so no one noticed what was happening when he opened it.

He stood up and opened the door, falling when he let go and tried to take a step forward. Loona, Moxxie, and Millie stared at him. They all ran up to him, completely unaware of what he was going through.

"Blitzø, are you okay?" Loona asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. This time, it wasn't comforting. It hurt. Not physically, but mentally.

He stopped holding his breath. He still wasn't able to breathe normally. It felt like it got worse now that he was crowded by his employees. He shook his head and got up, able to support himself, but just barely.

He tried to run out, but fell when he started. He got up and tried again, hardly succeeding. He swung the door open and ran out. He stood outside of the building and dialed Stolas' number.

He didn't pick up the phone.

He tried to call again.

It rang three times before Stolas answered. The tone in his voice sounded irritated. "Yes, Blitzø?" he said. "Whatever it is, could you make it quick? I'm a bit busy at the moment," he continued. Blitzø swallowed before deciding to speak.

"Can you- can you come pick me up?" the imp asked, his voice shaky and quiet. Stolas sighed. Blitzø hoped that whatever his answer was going to be, meant yes.

"Blitzø, I can't right now. Why do you need me to pick you up?" he asked. Blitzø felt tears form in his eyes.

He sniffled. "I- I just need you, Stolas. I need you," he said, trying to blink the tears away, but they just kept coming back. "Please, Stolas."

Stolas' sighed loudly. "Okay. Where are you right now, Blitzø?" he asked, his voice softer than before.

"I.M.P. Can you hurry?" Blitzø wiped the tears from his face and took a deep breath. Stolas hummed and said goodbye. He stood up from his desk and opened a portal to the front of the building that I.M.P. was located.

He looked around for a second and was surprised when he saw Blitzø. "Blitzø! Are you alright, darling? What happened?" he asked as he ran up to the imp and lifted his head a bit after he crouched down in front of him. He looked into his eyes.

Blitzø just blinked and a couple tears fell from his eyes. "Can I just... stay with you? Please." He had dark bags under his eyes and he looked almost dead.

"Of course, dear," Stolas said as he picked Blitzø up and stood. He walked back through the portal and closed it. He set the imp down on the small couch in the room and walked back to his desk. "You should get some rest. You look exhausted." he said loudly from his chair.

Blitzø was somewhat calm now, and he closed his eyes, attempting to listen to Stolas' suggestion. He couldn't sleep though. He was too tense. sure, he was a bit calmer, and was no longer having a panic attack and crying, but he just wasn't calm enough to rest.

He got up and walked over to Stolas. Before he could even said anything, Stolas said, "Yes, Blitzy?" Blitzø looked over the owl demon's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" he asked, walking a bit farther to be at the prince's side. Stolas smiled.

"Work," he responded. He put his own down and scooped Blitzø up and put him on his lap. Blitzø's face went hot.

"Sto- Stolas, you should really finish your work, I really- I don't wanna distract you," he stuttered out, squirming as he tried to jump off of Stolas.

"It's quite alright, dear. I can still do my paperwork fine," the owl responded. He had a small smile on his face, and Blitzø sat there, accepting fate. His face was flushed.

"Oh. Okay then," he said quietly with an awkward smile on his face. He was a little concerned, but he enjoyed being close to Stolas.  He pulled his knees up a bit and hung his head over Stolas' shoulder. He was definitely more calm now.

Blitzø felt safe and secure in Stolas' arms. He knew that he could always count on Stolas when he needed him. He looked up at the prince and smiled, grateful that he took the time to pick him up and bring him back to the palace.

"Thank you, Stolas," he said softly, his face tinted a bit pink.

"Anytime, darling," Stolas replied, patting Blitzø's head gently. "You can always come to me."

Blitzø smiled again, feeling a warmth spread throughout his body. He knew life sucked ass, but he had Stolas. Just... Stolas, and his pretty eyes and gentle voice.

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