A Lovely Evening

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Stolas was anxiously waiting for his butlers to finish preparing the food. He had planned the perfect picnic for him and Blitzø, and he wanted everything to be perfect. Finally, one of the butlers came over and informed Stolas that the food was ready. Stolas quickly wrapped up the food and put it in the basket, along with some fresh strawberries, blueberries, grapes, and kiwi.

He opened a portal to Blitzø's apartment, then stepped through to greet his date. "I've arrived," he said, closing the portal and opening a new one leading to the top of the hill they had addressed before.

Blitzø walked out of a room, wearing his normal outfit minus the blazer. Stolas wore his usual attire. "You look nice, Blitzø!" He smiled happily as he looked at his short date. Blitzø picked up a small cooler that had a blanket on top of it.

"Thanks, you do too. Is everything ready?" he asked with a smile. Stolas nodded.

"Of course!" Stolas replied, smiling. "I have a few things I think you'll love. I hope you're hungry!"

Blitzø couldn't help but grin at Stolas' enthusiasm. "I'm always hungry," he joked.

Stolas chuckled and led the way to their spot on the hill, carrying the basket of food. Blitzø followed close behind, feeling a sense of excitement building within him. He laid down the blanket and put the cooler down on top of it. Stolas set the basket down and the two demons sat next to each other on the blanket.

As they sat together and chatted, enjoying the view and the delicious food, Blitzø couldn't help but smile. "So, ummm, how's Octavia doing?" He asked, opening the cooler and handing Stolas a drink. He smiled as the owl demon took it.

Stolas smiled and took a sip of his drink. "Well, she's been doing better. I think that day we spent together really helped her open her eyes a bit more. Of course, I don't think she's totally adjusted yet. That's perfectly alright though," he explained.

Blitzø nodded. "I can understand that," he said. "And what about you? How have you been?" He had a small smile on his face.

Stolas chuckled. "I haven't had much of anything to do since I got out of the hospital, so I guess I'm just bored. Not when I'm with you, though. I enjoy spending time with you."

Blitzø felt his face warm up. He looked away from Stolas, flustered. "I... I enjoy spending time with you too, Stolas," he said, fidgeting with the cuff of his sleeve.

As they sat on the hill, enjoying the view and each other's company, they noticed a group of birds flying overhead. Stolas pointed them out to Blitzø and the two of them watched as the birds flew in formation, their wings flapping in unison.

Blitzø leaned back on the blanket, feeling the sun on his face. "This is... really nice," he said, looking over at Stolas. "I'm happy." He smiled.

Stolas smiled back at him. "I'm happy as well," he said. "It's nice to get away from everything for a little while and just enjoy some time together." He took another sip of his drink and leaned back on the blanket, his head pressing gently against the trunk of the tree.

As they lay there, watching the birds and chatting about everything and nothing, Blitzø felt a sense of happiness wash over him. He knew that he and Stolas had been through a lot together, but he was grateful for their close relationship.

He flipped over on to his side, facing Stolas. He just stared, admiring the prince's beauty and grace. "You're... you're really pretty, Stolas. I know that's not exactly a nice thing to say to guys most of the time, but I know you're different."

Stolas flipped on to his side as well. They were now facing each other. They stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes, saying nothing, but they didn't need to. The looks in their eyes let them both know how much the other cared.

After a few minutes, Blitzø moved closer to Stolas and laid there for a minute again, still not saying anything.

Slowly, Stolas leaned down a bit, bringing his face closer and closer to Blitzø's. He stared into his eyes for a moment before finally kissing him softly. Almost immediately, Blitzø leaned into the kiss, enjoying it.

It lasted a few more seconds before they pulled away. They had kissed before, but it wasn't the way that one was. Before, they were only to please Stolas. Except for when they had kissed a few days ago before they parted ways.

Both of those times, they were sweet. Soft, filled with all the emotion they could put into it.

Stolas wrapped his arms around Blitzø and pulled him as close as he possibly could be, bringing his knees up a little after. Blitzø smiled and wrapped his arms around Stolas as well. They closed their eyes, enjoying the moment.

It was so peaceful, so serene. For once, they were both able to just be themselves and not worry about anything else. They both knew that they had feelings for each other, but they had never said anything about it until now.

After a few moments, Stolas pulled away and looked at Blitzø. "I have something to tell you," he said.

Blitzø looked at him curiously. "What is it?"

Stolas took a deep breath. "I...I think I'm in love with you."

Blitzø was taken aback. He had never expected Stolas to say something like that to him, especially not after he stormed out of the hospital that one night. He looked at him for a moment, trying to process what he just heard.

Finally, he spoke. "I... I think I might be in love with you, too..." His voice was quiet, but Stolas heard it perfectly.

They smiled at each other and leaned in for a kiss again, it being even more enjoyable than the one before.

They pulled away after a few seconds and cuddled close to each other. They laid there for so long that they eventually fell asleep as the moon set in place.

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