Avoiding Questions

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"Woo! Those bitches had it coming!" Millie yelled excitedly as everybody stepped through the portal. They had just finished the job their most recent client gave them. Moxxie laughed quietly to himself at his wife's excitement. He looked over at Blitzø, who would usually say something after someone said something like that, or he'd be the one to say it. He noticed that he had been real quiet all day.

"Sir, is something bothering you? Did one of us do something wrong? You've barely said anything since we all met up here," Moxxie said. As he was speaking, he noticed Loona was facepalming and shaking her head, but he didn't think anything of it.

"No, shithead. Mind your own fucking business!" Blitzø responded. He was obviously irritated. He walked off and slammed the meeting room door behind him. Moxxie stared at Loona, confused.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"Just his love life," Loona responded while looking at her phone. Her statement immediately caught both Moxxie and Millie's attention.

"With the royal owl guy? Stolas, right?" Millie asked. Loona looked at her by moving her view to the side.

"Yeah," she said with a breathy attitude. Moxxie shook his head in disapproval of her tone, and grabbed his wife's hand. They walked out together, leaving Loona alone in the room.


Blitzø decided he could visit Stolas again before visiting hours were over. He was hesitant due to what had happened the night prior, but he wanted to visit him. He needed to visit him. He still wanted to make sure he was okay. He wanted to make sure he got enough rest.

Blitzø left the building and once again ran full speed to the hospital. He didn't feel like interacting with people, so he climbed up to the second floor and into Stolas' window.

As soon as Stolas noticed him, his face grew almost as red as his glowing eyes. "Bli-Blitzy!" he said in shock, bit expecting him to show up there again. "I wasn't expecting you," he said bit more calmly.

"Sorry if I scared you. I was just checking in on you, to make sure you slept well," Blitzø said, his long tail wrapping around his waist. He walked closer to Stolas as he slowly unwrapped his tail from his body.

"Why did you leave last night when I told you I love you, Blitzy?" Stolas asked. The imp's eyes widened. A lump formed in his throat and he couldn't speak again.

After waiting a few seconds, Stolas frowned. "Hmm, my little imp?" he said, putting emphasis on the "P" in imp. Blitzø put his hand on one of his horns and started running his fingers over the surface of it. His tail swayed up and down slowly.

Stolas smiled as he watched his sexual partner's face grow more red by the second. Blitzø leaned in so his and the avian's faces were only a few inches apart.

"As soon as you're out of this place, I'm going to fuck you so hard you lose your voice from screaming my name," he said quietly as he gently brushed the owl demon's chest with tip of his tail.

"Ooh, please do~" the taller creature groaned as his feathers puffed out and his face grew red. He basically melted into the white sheets of the hospital bed.

"I promise," Blitzø said in a seductive voice. He replaced the tip of his tail with his hand and slowly moved it up. He could tell how turned on Stolas was.

The imp quickly straightened his back and removed his hand from the hollow of the owl's feathers. He loved teasing him. Stolas' back was arched more than usual, which it normally was when he was aroused. Slowly, his back grew back to normal.

"You're gonna have to wait, but good luck hiding your bird boner from the nurses." Blitzø ran his tongue along the surface of his top set of teeth when Stolas looked at him. "Alright, well, I gotta go. I might sneak back in tonight and see ya," he said as he opened the window.

"Alrighty, goodbye Blitzy~!" Stolas said as Blitzø climbed through the window.

"Bye, you horny fuck!" the imp replied before he shut the window and jumped down from the second floor. He landed on his feet this time, which somehow hurt even more than the first time he jumped down.

As soon as Blitzø had no view of the hospital, his mood changed. He wasn't cheery anymore, but he felt that weird feeling in his chest again.

Holy fuck, I do love him.

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