🍑 Breath of Peaches 🍑

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Breath of Peaches
Inspired by water and flowers breathing

Purpose: Match the speed, quickness, power, agility, and flexibility of the demon

The Peaches reaching was a breath style inspired by the alluring movements to Water Breathing. The first Peaches of Breathing user: Momoko Uzui was part of the Uzui clan after the family massacre do to her cousin Tengen Uzui. After the leave from her cousin Momoko sisters and brothers was next not want to end up the same fate Momoko leaves before the trial begins.

Momoko starts her journey not knowing what she going now until she meet a old man with a tengu mask. Momoko asked to be his student of this water breathing the first few months was easy because her shinobi training she even met past students from Sakonji. Sabito and Makomo as the two give tips and tricks who to use the water breathing but she wasn't sure about it of course she nows what she doing but she figured what if she made her now.

After giving the pressure from her master, she got to work so Peaches breathing was made this breath from focus on the speed, quickness, power, agility, and flexibility of the demon. So the weapon instead of the katana it uses only kunai, shuriken, and daggers Momoko made her training more hard in order to fight against faster and stronger opponents. Momoko trained herself to have full control on her attacks and body for her combat it's to get up close or a sneak attack.

This Breathing Style is also able to manipulate the users strength to make it more apparent, however, the user must already have some natural strength. Also enhances and utilizes one's vision, albeit at the possible cost of her eyesight. When utilized properly, the user visualizes themselves manipulating all six senses, and surroundings.

Momoko can cut off the head of a demon but she user poisons like illusion, poisonous blood everely damage their internal organs and literally causes skin to be infected. Using her skills in medicine and poison treatments she have experience different types possible poison both lethal to humans and demons.

Nichirin Type: this breathing technique is only user for kunai, shuriken, and daggers or any small knifes, but if the user a normal nichirin sword that find bit the user won't get the full force and speed then this style is mostly based on. The kunai, shuriken, and daggers colors are peach orange, green, purple, white, and pink the main colors. The handles have of the weapons are still the same form the sword but the blade is kunai is peach orange, shuriken is purple, pink, and white, and last the daggers are green, white, and pink bottom to top.

The designs on all of them have white or green leafs with small peach on them. And there do the user keep them they are have dealt and carrier on user thigh, the blades itself have different poisons lease into it. The knifes are even shape so the user need to be careful when using them during training or combat.



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