🍓Breath of Strawberry 🍓

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Breath of Strawberry
Inspired by Peaches Breathing

flexibility and speed

The Strawberry breathing reaching was a breath style inspired by the alluring movements to Peaches Breathing. The first Strawberry of Breathing user: Ichigo Shimizu. He was part of a rival clan of the Uzui clan, Ichigo and Momoko was bitter rivals until Momoko was forced to killer her sisters and brothers that day she runs away and soon after Ichigo fellow behind her. But it only be two years then the two meets each another, Ichigo asks Momoko to train him to become a demon slayer.

Nichirin Type: the user uses the same nichorin weapons but no poison only the kunai, the weapons are kunai, daggers, and wakizashi. The kunai, daggers, wakizashi colors are red, green, white, and pink the main colors. The handles have of the weapons are still the same form the sword but the blade is kunai is peach red, and last the daggers are green, white, and red bottom to top.

The designs on all of them have red, green leafs with small strawberry on them. And there do the user keep them they are have dealt and carrier on user thigh. The knifes are even shape so the user need to be careful when using them during training or combat.



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