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The faint sunlight that comes through the window fills the room, and I feel it against my closed eyes, forcing me to turn my body in the opposite direction, facing the darker side. When I move, the grip around my waist strengthens, and I get pushed back against the body behind me. But then my ears start to stand when I hear a muffled ringtone not so far away, and I wonder if I am dreaming it or if someone is calling. I stay still, my head relaxed on the pillow, and my eyes closed until the ringtone starts again. I grunt.

I open my eyes, actualising it's Kevin's phone since mine is in my purse in the living room. Too far to be heard. I scan the room, searching for his pants and trying to unlock my body from the grip. «It's your phone, Kevin,» I complain, trying to move away.

«Let it ring,» he mumbles with a deep and low voice.

«It has been ringing for ten minutes,» I warn him and free myself. I catch his shirt and put it on before reaching his pants and taking the phone from it. I hold a laugh when I read the name on the screen. «It's Daniele,» I inform and turn my head to him.

Kevin lays on his back, with his arm under his head, and his eyes laid on me. I hold my breath, feeling my stomach revolting. The sheets cover his naked bottom body, and I control the urge to reach his lap.

«What time is it?» He asks.

I check the time on the phone. «Eleven,» I retort and walk back onto the bed, answering the call.

«Can you tell me where the hell you've been?» Daniele says before I can even say something. «I tried to reach Enede, and she doesn't answer. I call you, and you don't answer. What's going on?»

I grin. «Good morning to you, Daniele,» I speak with an amused tone, silently chuckling.

The speaker on the other side of the phone stays quiet for a bit, probably realising why we didn't answer the phone. «Hey Enede,» he answers with his voice back being flat. «How was the Gala?»

«Good,» I poorly comment. «Do you need Kevin?»

«No,» he says quickly. «I just wanted to know where you are. In five days we have to be fully prepared for the big day, and there is no time to waste.»

My humour suddenly changes, reminding me that the night is over and we're back to reality. Kevin feels my frustration and probably hears Daniele's voice and inches in my direction to wrap his arm around my waist, dragging me against his body. «I know,» I murmur. «We'll be there in an hour or a bit more, okay?»

I hear Kevin's complaining behind me but without saying anything, cognisant that we have to do it. Daniele also agrees with my question before hanging up. I toss the phone on the nightstand and turn my head to the boy next to me, lifting my chin to let our eyes meet.

«Just five days,» I tell him.

He bows his head over me. «What if I end up in jail too?»

I can't hear this. I turn my body and crawl on him, sitting on his lap and placing my hands on his shoulders. We're now face-to-face. «Daniele won't let it happen. He gave us his word, and I trust him,» I say with a firm tone. «He hasn't double face. His purpose is the same as ours. He doesn't want injustice, he wants the bad ones in, and you're not one of them.»

If Daniele was planning to play us, he was really good at it, but I have the hard feeling he is doing it for the same reason I do. He knows Kevin needs freedom and how much he has suffered because he was born into the wrong family. I don't think he is setting up a trap because he isn't the danger. Joe is. There are no worries about Kevin ending up taking his father's place.

He grips my hips and slightly nods with a sigh. «I know,» he whispers, but I bet he is still having thoughts about it and wants to add something, but I stay quiet, not wanting to hear anything negative. Not now. I want to think positively because if you do it you'll be surrounded by what you attract, and I want this to end in the best way ever. I have always been that person seeing the half-empty glass, but now my mind has changed. Now I only see the half-full of it, and I am aware that if I stay with my back straight and chin up, I can handle everything. I don't want to be afraid anymore. Most of the time, it's just your mind playing with you. I want to have control of what surrounds me.

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