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" Chan ~ I want you ~ " Said Chan's boyfriend, in a suave voice.

" I'm sorry, I don't feel ready yet So'..."

" We've been together for two years. You're overdoing it, come on~ " Says the older one.

Chan is forced to follow his boyfriend to bed. The older boy lays the younger one on the bed, his kisses going down the younger one's neck. The younger boy feels nothing but disgust, having a really hard time understanding when his boyfriend tries to caress his chest.

He pushes him away instantly and goes to the bathroom to throw up, then storms out of the apartment, trying to catch his breath with tears in his eyes. It's obvious he's going home just like that: his boyfriend is pestering him with messages. Chan finally answers one of his calls.


《 - Where are you?

- I don't know what's wrong with me, but I really don't feel well, I'm home.

- Honestly Chan, I love you, but it's better if we leave it at that, it's not possible anymore.

- You're leaving me just because I'm afraid to have sex ? But use your right hand at worst.

- Are you serious ? I don't want to talk anymore, you've pissed me off.

- So'...》


And there it is, once again, his boyfriend, can't stand the fact that he can't get over the hump. Chan is totally lost but, it's late, he ends up falling asleep in his bed, the night brings advice as they say.

< The next morning >

Chan wakes up with a lump in his stomach, which doesn't bode well. He gets dressed anyway and heads off to his high school as he does every day, to join his group of friends, except that they push him away and tell him to get lost.

" You disgust Chan... frankly..." Says one.

" I agree, do you still think you can hang out with us after this ? " Says another.

" Fuck off." Says another

" Fuck off, away from us. " spits another.

" How is it possible you can't do this." Says another in disgust.

Chan can't even get a word in edgewise when the boys turn their backs on him and head for his buddy.

" This is a bad idea. "Says an unfamiliar voice.

" Who are you ? " Asks Chan

" That's not important, but if you check insta, you'll understand why there's all this anger about you. " replies the mysterious boy.

Chan looks at the boy strangely, then listens to him and goes on Instagram, he goes straight to his boyfriend's account and on it he sees horrors, cruelties, debilities...

[ Chan doesn't like sex, he doesn't want to fuck, he's scared, he's a virgin at 17 and will probably remain one for life mdrr. What's more, he's a bad kisser, two years with him, fucked up because of a coward! ]

The post by his now ex, makes him angry but also sad, he's disgusted, to have loved such an incomprehensible person then he reads the replies to this post...

[ But it's really funny, what a jerk ! ]

[ But who doesn't fuck at our age ? ]

[ Two years of relationship, no sex hurts ]

[ Is he serious ? ]

[ Honestly, everyone wants to fuck you and he doesn't. ]

[ Poor him, not wanting to fuck such a handsome guy. ]

[ I'll take his place without any hesitation ! ]

And this time, Chan can't hold back his tears, he lets all his pain out, he's so bad right now that he decides to skip school and come back the next day, hoping the rumors will die down...


Hi ! I hope you're well !
So this is a ChanCheol story with JiHan, SoonHoon, MinWon, Verkwan, JunHao behind ( Seokmin is with a girl )

In this story JaeYong, MarkHyuck and NoMin are here too ( NCT )

Enjoy <3

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