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The bell to ring...

Taeyong and Jeonghan, warned by Jaehyun, went to the bathroom in a panic. Jaehyun detailed the situation to his boyfriend, but not to Jeonghan, as Chan didn't want...

" Chan ! What the hell is going on here ? " Taeyong begins...

" Hyung..."

" Chan, go home, in your condition you won't be able to stand this last hour of class. Jeonghan will take you home. "

" Indeed. But Jeonghan-hyung, do you have class ? "

" No, basketball practice. But fuck it, your condition's more important, I'll walk you home. "

Chan looks at his eldest with shining eyes, his three friends, help him up...

" I'll ask Hao to send you the lessons..."

" Hao ? "

" Minghao's in your class at this time isn't he ? "

" Ah yes, he always shares my class in the last hour of class".

" Well there you go, you'll have class with him. "

Chan nods gently and thanks his eldest discreetly, Jaehyun gives him a comforting smile

" But my universe, do you know Minghao personally ? " Taeyong asks his boyfriend.

" Of course Yongie, he's been my best friend since he arrived in Korea..."

" Ah but that's perfect ! "

" Chan, you'll receive the lessons in the afternoon ! "

Chan nods gently, then with what little strength he has, rushes into Jaehyun's arms. Jaehyun hugs him, Taeyong gently rubs his younger back...

" You're perfect elders. " DIt Chan

" Oh, little baby. Have a nice trip home ! "

Jaehyun places a kiss in Chan's hair and detaches himself from him to go into his boyfriend's arms next. Jeonghan, come and support Chan to help him walk. As the two boys leave the school, they naturally start talking about anything and everything. Before long, they arrive at the smallest boy's house...

" We're here hyung, thanks for everything. "

" Chan, you're a good boy. It's only fair that we help you."

Chan is deeply touched by his elder's words, instinctively coming to cuddle his friend. Jeonghan hugs the little one back, cradling him gently and rubbing his back.

" Hyung."

" Yes ? "

" Seungcheol sent me a message this morning, so I answered him. But when is he going to answer me ? "

Jeonghan laughs softly, stroking Chan's hair...

" I think within an hour, he'll answer you..." Jeonghan replies

" He's taking his time."

" Cheol, that's what he is. Once he composes he's in another world."

" I think he's incredible..."

" He is... Seungcheol is clearly a very good boy, with a heart of gold, you just have to be honest with him. He hates lies."

" He's been through a lot too, hasn't he ? "

" Don't think he's so hard-headed and tactless because he wants to be."

" What do you mean ? "

" A past, strengthens the spirit. And makes us stronger, with a mind of steel..."

" What happened to him ? "

" Ask him."

" And to Joshua ? "

Suddenly Jeonghan pulls away from Chan, a sad smile forming at the corners of his lips....

" It's not for me to tell you..."

His voice cracks at the end and tears roll down his cheeks, he strokes Chan's hair one last time and leaves, Chan heartbroken to see his eldest like this...

What's happened to him ?

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