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Chan enters the room without really knocking, he advances slowly and sees his eldest. No stockings, no pants, not even shorts. No, just a pair of boxer shorts. Leaving his thighs exposed, the black-haired boy's eyes widen, while his cheeks turn a lovely shade of red...

" Chan ? What are you doing here ? "

" I, um..."

" Yes ? "

" Mingyu lost his cell phone here and-"

" I don't think so, he never comes into this room..."

Chan assimilates the older man's words, then seems to realize that he's been totally fooled by Mingyu...

" Damn..."

" In my opinion, you've been fooled..."

" No kidding. Getting fooled like that is a disgrace."

" It happens a lot, especially with Mingyu. He's very clever and above all very convincing."

" But still ! "

Seungcheol, laughs softly as he slips on his midnight-blue pants, Chan, for his part, totally indulges in checking out the blond's thighs, these are trimmed, and firm like his whole body after all. In Chan's eyes, his eldest's physique is just perfect.

" It's not possible to be this handsome. " Chan sighs...

" Thank you, after my body may be "perfect", but unfortunately my character him, can easily be detestable. "

" For the moment I think it's fine, I've had worse..."

".At the same time, with you, it's normal... Listen to the song 'Love Me Like You Do' and you'll understand."

" Huh ? "

" Don't try to understand now, come on let's go. "

Chan didn't even have time to wonder or even think. His eldest child has grabbed his wrist and started running towards the basketball hall to avoid being late. Luckily for them, they arrived right on time. The two boys sat together alongside their friends. Chan even found his big brother alongside his boyfriend and three strangers. Although Seungcheol seems to know them...

" Seokmin ? Amy ? Mark ?"

" Oh, my beloved roommate. "

" You're such a phony."

" Hey, I meant what I said ! "

".Yeah, let's say I believe you. Anyway, who are you here for ?"

" Wonwoo and Haechan ! "

" Who's Wonwoo ? "

Suddenly two hands land on Seungcheol's shoulders, then a slap on the back of the neck right after...

" I'm outraged, don't you know my boyfriend ? "

" Mingyu ? "

" Yes it's me, Wonwoo is my lovely boyfriend. "

" You talk like a child. And then, you call him 'my love' too..."

" Like you, you call Chan, Ba-"

Seungcheol quickly puts his hand over Mingyu's mouth, luckily for him, Chan is busy talking to his brother and getting to know Soonyoung his brother-in-law he didn't hear a thing...

" Hey, Mingyu ! "

" Yes, Chan ? "

" Did you find your cell phone ? "

" Of course, it was left in the hall..."

Seungcheol glares at Mingyu, who gives a playful wink and takes a seat next to Jihoon...

" By the way Chan, was the view pleasant ? "

"  What are you talking about ? " Jihoon asks gently, curious.

" If you only knew Jihoon hyung..."

Chan blushes at this, wanting to bury himself six feet under, while Seungcheol regrets having told his younger friend that he's beginning to feel a certain attachment to Chan that's more than friendly, because now Mingyu clearly isn't going to let them go while he's still waiting for an answer, the whistle to signify the start of the match saves his life and he escapes the question, which relieves him. Afterwards, what he doesn't know is that Mingyu is far from having said his last word, and this time he's organizing another plan with Jihoon...

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