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" Well, I'm going to go." The youngest finally said

" As you wish, did the guys stay at the bar ? "

" It seems to me..."

" They're going to have a headache in the morning. Why did you leave ? "

" Uh..."

Chan feels his heart pounding, what to say. The truth ? A lie ?

" Don't panic like that, I've got my own idea..."

" What do you mean ? "

" Your ex shared a photo with the caption " My new boyfriend 🩵 " "

" Oh..."

Chan looks away tears come to the corners of his eyes he tries to keep his emotions inside him, but he fails miserably, he explodes into tears. Seungcheol looks at him, then panic-stricken, draws him to him for a warm embrace.

" Calm down, he doesn't deserve your tears ! You deserve better. Look at me..."

Seungcheol lifts his younger head, wiping the tears from his friend's cheeks...

" I..."

" You're better than that. Little..."

Through his tears, Chan manages a shy smile...

" That nickname..." Chan says softly

" Sorry about that. Nevertheless, I managed to get a smile out of you..."

" You really are a golden boy. Keep it in mind..."

" You're also an incredible boy Chan..."

The eldest detaches himself from the little one's arms and strokes his hair....

" I'm really going hyung..."

" No worries, see you in three days ! "

Chan nods and leaves, arriving at his house discreetly and entering at the same time, he feels someone tapping him on the back...

" Chan..."

" Jihoon hyung, are you coming home ? "

" Not at all I'm coming to get some things, it's better to do this at night it'll keep me from seeing mom. "

" What do you mean, at night ? "

" It's three in the morning..."

" Wait, what ? "

Chan pulls out his cell phone and indeed he sees 3:39, the black-haired man widens his eyes...

" Let's go, then."

" See you and I'll dry off tomorrow, I've got other plans..."

" It's dead you don't do that Jihoon hyung, your graduation is important ! "

" But I do what I want..."

" Mom's gonna be pissed if you don't get that diploma ! "

" She pissed me off, and i don't fucking care about her piece of paper..."

" Hyung..."

" No, but it's okay after a while..."

" Hyung, tell me mommy's really getting on your nerves ? "

" Why do you think I ran away from home ? Ever since she found out about my sexual orientation and life plans she's hated me."

Jihoon, begins to cry, Chan's heart aching to see his brother like this. Suddenly their mother shows up.

" What are you doing here at this hour Jihoon ? Has your fantasy with a guy come to an end and you need me again ? "

" Certainly not, already I'm not in a relationship and I'd never come back here..."

" Why are you here then ? "

" I've come to pick up some clothes. "

" Why don't you buy some more, get out of here"

Suddenly, the mother of the two boys slaps her eldest son before Chan's stunned eyes. Jihoon, on the other hand, seems used to it, turns on his heels and runs off...

" But Mom..." Begins Chan, dumbfounded...

" What's the matter, my little darling ? " The mother's voice calms down...

" Why did you slap Ji-"

" He's nothing but trouble. It's a good thing you're not like that..."

" But..."

" Come on in, little heart..."

" Why are you like this with Jihoon hyung ? "

" He's gay, you realize he's a pd ! No such thing in my house. You're not like that, reassure me?"

" No..."

Chan swallows his saliva with difficulty and follows his mother into the house, his heart tightening, he sends a message directly to his brother...

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