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< The next day >

Chan returns to school with the same apprehension, feeling that it's all his fault but unable to find a logical explanation for it all. He's just scared.

" So' ! " Chan says

" What do you want from me, scaredy-cat ? " Replies his now ex.

" N-nothing.."

" Fuck off then."

His ex's tone, unmistakable. Chan resigns himself to moving to a bench, far from everyone. From where he stands, watching his old friends laughing with his ex, his heart breaks into a thousand pieces. Is it really because of him ? He seriously begins to wonder...

" Hold on." Says a voice...

Chan raises his head and notices that it's the same boy as the day before. This time, the boy hands him a pack of tissues.

" Thanks..." Chan says softly

" You're welcome, I've been there too. " Responds the mysterious young man.

" Been through what ? Fear of the first time ? "

" No, the rumors circulating about you. Literally putting you down."

" Who are you really ? "

" That's not very important."

" But, I want to know."

" You'll find out soon enough. "

Then the young boy leaves and goes to his friends.

" Strange boy. " Chan sighs

Another boy, arrives at his side, a lollipop between his lips.

" Hi, you're Chan aren't you ? " Asks a young boy gently.

" You've come to make fun of me haven't you ? "

The black-haired boy, laughing softly, takes his place on the bench next to Chan...

" Then no, absolutely not. I'm Jeonghan, nice to meet you. "

" I know who you are, who don't know you in this bahut ! But, nice to meet you Jeonghan hyung. "

Everyone at school knows Jeonghan. He's the leader of the basketball team, the black-haired boy attracts a lot of attention and a lot of people at his feet, but he pushes them all away, who knows why...

" Sorry, Jisoo for his behavior, he doesn't like to see people alone. It reminds him of his past."

" So that's what he's called ? " Asks Chan

" Oh, great. He doesn't even take the time to tell you his name. What a little devil he is then. You can also call him Joshua, that's his real name. Jisoo is his Korean name. "

Chan nods and laughs at the older boy's nickname for Joshua.

" Otherwise, if you need anything, our group is open. You can come and join us at any time. " Jeonghan says calmly.

" Thanks, but you don't mind getting a- "

" Shh, I see you coming. No, we don't mind, knowing you're afraid of sex. Everyone has their own fears. "

" Thank you so much, for being so understanding. "

" It's normal, we're all human beings after all, no matter what you're like. We don't care."

Jeonghan smiles benevolently at the younger man, and gently runs his hand through his hair.

" Jeonghan-oppa ! " A girl's voice rings out.

" Damn, another pimple. " Said Jeonghan calmly and drunkenly.

" Tonight I'm free. "

" I'm delighted. "

" Can you come join me at my place ? It'll be fun ~ "

" You may be free. But I'm not, so get out of here. "

The girl's eyes widen and her expression changes from provocation to hatred.

" You'll regret it ! " replies the angry girl.

" Without rancor. Go find another horny dog to fuck. "

The girl's gaze shifts from hatred to sadness. Jeonghan judges her with his gaze and rises from the bench, the black-haired man gently grabs the younger boy's wrist and drags him away, towards his group of friends.

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