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All the boys have arrived at their destination...

That is, to their school, of course. Jaemin left for his section to join a black-haired boy with an incredible smile that made his eyes crinkle into the shape of two crescent moons. Lee Jeno. Chan is happy for his friend at the moment, the two boys seem inseparable...

" Where are you going, Minghao ? "

" I don't know..."

" Come with me, I'll ask the guys, if you can stay with me..."

" Don't worry Chan. I can stay alone."

" Are you alone often ? "

" Often ? All the time, yeah."

" But you're friends with Jaehyun and Taeyong, right ? "

" Yes, but we don't see much of each other, we're not in the same building."

" I know that. Well, come on. This isn't negotiable."

Chan grabs Minghao's wrist and pulls him along with them, toward the Crazy Kids.

Once there.

Hansol judges the newcomer with his eyes, and with good reason : he doesn't take too kindly to newcomers arriving unannounced.

" Hansol, don't glare at him like that... Do you mind if he stays with us ? "

" Personally, I'm fine with it. I mean, I don't care. "  Says Jeonghan

Everyone agrees with Jeonghan's words, except Hansol, who prefers to leave...

" Damn. What's wrong with him ? " says Seungkwan

" Kwan's going to get him..." Says Jeonghan

" What ? Why me ? "

" Don't argue. It's necessary."

" I didn't do anything Jeonghan..."

" That's not the point, Kwan."

The said " Kwan " really didn't understand anything, but listened to his elder anyway and set off, running towards where Hansol had gone.

" Did I do something wrong ? " Minghao asks worriedly.

" Hansol was like that with me at first too, don't worry. Just let him get used to you..."

" Okay."

Chan smiled gently at Minghao, really telling her not to worry...

" Jeonghan, I need you for something ! "

" What's the matter ? "

" Seungcheol's club is where ?"

" It's building number seventeen, Fearless Street why ? "

" I really have to thank him. He's a great hyung, and since he's not here I'll go to him. "

" That's right, off you go."

Jeonghan smiles at Chan, stroking his hair. Right next to him is Joshua, ranting and raving inwardly, taking care to jostle Jeonghan's shoulder as he goes...

" What's wrong with him too ? " Jeonghan asks in confusion.

" Go and join him. You two have things to talk about..."

" How can you be sure of that ? "

" I've got my sources. And the sense of observation, go for it ! "

Jeonghan doesn't try to reply further, and heads off towards where his younger son has gone...

" Well, I'm off to see Seungcheol. Minghao hyung, please take notes for me ! See you tomorrow ! "

Minghao watches Chan leave, then looks at the last boy left beside him. The colored one knows him, they're in the same class too, Jun if he's remembered his first name. The blond boy observes the colored boy out of the corner of his eye; he finds him unreal, just magnificent, he'd make more than one heart skip a beat, but right now it's mostly his own that's skipping a beat...

" Well, that just leaves the two of us. "

" Indeed. And by the way, I hear you're Chinese, is that true ? "

Minghao laughs softly and confirms this, Jun joins in his comrade's laughter, happy to find a friend of the same nationality as himself, then the two boys calm down and start talking about anything and everything in their native tongue, it's much more comfortable. They talk like any "friend" would...

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