Bonus past of Joshua

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We're at the very beginning of the school year.

The young man is frightened, because he doesn't know anyone, so he walks slowly towards the school entrance to see which class he's in, then feels an arm wrap around his shoulders.

" Are you all right, Jisoo ? " asks one of his friends from last year.

" I'm glad to see you, I feel less lonely."

" Oh, you're so cute. "

The newcomer ruffles his youngest's hair, smiles at him and drags him with him to their classroom, Joshua really happy to see a face he knows again. The two friends stay together all the time, until that famous day, the day Joshua's hell began.

It's a few months later, on a Friday morning to be precise. Joshua heads for his friend, who is surrounded by him.

" Hi ! " Joshua says cheerfully

" Oh my little dog." Replies his < friend >

" What ? "

" You follow me around like a dog, you don't know how to do anything else."

" I thought we were friends."

" I just feel sorry for you. Get lost, you dog."

Joshua can't believe his eyes, tears automatically rolling down his cheeks. The young man can't believe it, in the space of a few seconds his world collapses, he runs away from the establishment, not wanting to see anyone again, he wanders through the streets of Seoul letting his tears run down his cheeks then he decides to stop on a bridge below him, there is emptiness, nothingness, like what he feels deep down inside. He even wonders.

How could his heart have chosen this boy ? Why does he love him ? What's wrong with him ? Suddenly, his cell phone vibrates, notifications by the thousand under his former best friend's extension.

[ That's it people, I'm finally rid of the green plant ]

If this post hurts, the answers hurt even more...

[ OMG yes! I couldn't take it anymore ]

[ Brother he was as dumb as a tomb, it was boring ]

[ Shy at his fucking age ]

[ We'll be better off without him ]

After this, Joshua literally bursts into tears, without even thinking, he throws his cell phone into the void then throws his legs behind the railings. Then he hears in the distance...

" Hey, isn't that Jisoo ? "

" What are you saying, Kwan ? "

" Doesn't he look like the boy who took a mass of insults just now ? "

Joshua turns his head towards the voices and sees Jeonghan and Seukwan, two rather popular boys at his school, the oldest shares his class by the way.

" Stay away from me." Joshua says fearfully.

" Joshua, we mean you no harm."

" I've lost everything, I've got nothing left."

" We're here, we're here."

" For how long ? A second ? A minute ? An hour ? "

Then Jeonghan comes running up to the copperhead and grabs both his arms to pull him back to the right side. Joshua landed on the black-haired man's chest, his heart racing.

" For a lifetime Joshua, I promise." Jeonghan said, stroking the smaller boy's hair.

" You'll never keep it. " Joshua replies

" Yes, I am ! "

And it was from that day that Joshua started hanging out with Jeonghan and his other elders, and it was also from that day, that he hated the feeling of abandonment and loneliness. That's why he immediately reached out to Chan.

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