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< Three weeks later >

The boys are in court for Sovin's trial; he's risking big, very big given that he almost raped someone.

" Lee Chan please take the stand..." Says a judge

Chan sighs, it's time to spill the beans...

" To start with, with Sovin, we were together for two years, until about three months ago. Then he cowardly left me, because I wouldn't sleep with him. Then he created false rumors about me on the networks. Then in high school, he kept coming up to me, trying to take my first time, I don't want to ! " Chan replied, her voice trembling and his eyes sparkling.

" Thank you very much. Sovin what do you have to say for yourself ? " Says the judge

Sovin, raises his head...

" I'm sorry..." Says the culprit

" You don't even deny the facts ? " Asks the judge

" No, because they are true..."

" Everyone, take a break. Time for us to think about your sentence. "

Seungcheol takes Chan's hand and leads him outside...

" How are you feeling ? " Asks the older

" I'm fine, he's of age, he's facing a heavy sentence, much to my delight."

" He still had the audacity to ask your forgiveness. "

" Don't think so, it's just to look good in front of the judge. He doesn't mean what he said at all."

Seungcheol isn't at all shocked by Chan's comments, it's true, he's always been a jerk. So why all of a sudden? He'd turn nice...

" The break is over..." Says the judge

The two boys re-enter the courtroom and sit next to each other, the eldest gently placing his hand on his friend's thigh.

" You tell me if this bothers you. " Says the blond

" Your touch is so soft, it's really pleasant. " Says the black-haired one

" Good, that makes me feel better."

Seungcheol smiles at his boyfriend, then comes over to place a tender kiss on his forehead, Chan smiles...

"Very well, the hearing has deliberated that Qi Sovin faces 10 years' imprisonment and 150,000 won in fines, for sexual molestation. You're dismissed. " concluded the judge.

The police come to handcuff Sovin, who glares at the lovers before disappearing from the two boys' field of vision.

" Shall we go ? " Says the elder.

" Cheollie hyung, I can come to your composition studio."

" Sure. "

" Rap or sing for me Hyung. "

" If you want, which song do you want ? "

" Lucifer by Shinee ! "

" Oh, I like it a lot, will you rap along with me ? "

The two lovers continue to discuss each other's musical tastes. A few minutes later, they arrive in front of the building...

" Mingyu ? Wonwoo ? Seokmin ? Amy ?"

" It's us, how did this happen ? " Asks Mingyu

" He got what he deserved ! "

" But it's too good ! "

" To celebrate, show ! "

" Sure what music ? "

" Lucifer.. "

" SHINEE ! Um, sorry. I can't wait to see it."

" Channie will accompany me "

The boys smile and nod, then enter the building and are showered with confetti, glitter...

" That scared me. " Says Chan

" Surprise ! To celebrate Chan's freedom ! " Says Jeonghan

" But I've always been free..."

" You're free from your ex's grip !  "

" Ah ! "

The boys all smile at each other...

" I want to see my brother dance over his boyfriend's voice ! " Says Jihoon

" With Soonyoung, Minghao, Jun too. " Says Seokmin

" Oh yes ! " Mingyu rejoined

Minho looks at the three boys out of the corner of his eye, then shrugs his shoulders. He moves slightly to the center, and the other boys do the same, moving in front of him. 

" Blow up the sound Seokmin ! "

" With pleasure, Shinee, it's going to be top ! "

" Especially Lucifer. "

Seokmin starts the music while Jihoon stands back, filming the dancing boys with a smile on his face. Seokmin arrives at his side...

" What are you doing ? "

" Shh, don't tell them. It's for Pledis, they have to join us."

" You really are a genius. "

" We're all part of the same group, we miss them more than they miss us. "

" It's perfect..."

Indeed, everything is perfect after three minutes and fifty-nine seconds. The boys stop, while Jihoon stops filming too, discreetly sending the video to Pledis, all that's left is for the agency to respond, and that's it.

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