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As he was about to leave for his classroom, an arm pulled him back towards the toilet.

" Chan ~ you still don't want to sleep with me ? " Said a suave voice..

" N-no ! Let go of me Sovin..." Replies Chan, with fear in his eyes and in his voice.

" We'll have to do this the hard way, if you scream, I'll make sure you're not recognized anymore..."

Chan closes his mouth, tears rolling down his cheeks. Sovin, kissing him full on the lips, the black-haired man was paralyzed, unable to move his body. As his assailant reaches further down to undo the younger man's belt, his right hand slips into the dark-haired man's pants.

" You were saying, use your right hand ~"

Just as Sovin's hand was about to reach into Chan's underwear, someone began drumming against the door...

" Hey ! You've got class, get out of there ! "

Sovin grunts, then removes his hand from where it was and exits the bathroom, looking left and right before heading for his classroom. Chan stands there for a few seconds, completely lost. What's happened ?

" Chan ? Hey.."

The black-haired man turns his head towards his interlocutor and sees that it's Seungcheol, his eyes panicked...

" Hey... take a deep breath, breathe... Shh, it's okay... do what I do..." Seungcheol says gently to help and reassure the younger boy.

Chan listens to his eldest, slowly takes a deep breath, then the images of what has just happened come back into his head, he turns his head towards the bowl and vomits. Seungcheol looks away slightly, but gently rubs the younger boy's back...

" It disgusts me..." Says the younger...

" Hm ? "

Chan's voice was barely audible, Seungcheol couldn't hear, the black-haired man vomited a second time...

" Chan are you sure you're okay? Don't you want to go and see the nurse ? " The elder asked calmly.

" To tell her what ? "

" What just happened. That you're just doing a check-up on your condition..."

" It's no use..."

" It's not normal for you to throw up like that. "

" It's normal..."

Seungcheol looks doubtfully at the smaller boy then helps him up gently, Chan still manages to get dressed on his own. Seungcheol returns to support him and help him walk to the sink. Chan splashes water on his face...

" What's really going on Chan ? " asks the worried elder.

" How come you're still here ? " Asks Chan to avoid his elder's question.

" Don't answer my question with another one. No, honestly I was going to get my bag from my locker and leave, and I saw him take you away. So I wanted to understand..."

" And what did you understand ? "

" That this bastard... won't let go..."

" I'm dirty now... he touched me Seungcheol! You understand that ! "

Then Chan explodes into a sob, Seungcheol panics wondering what to do, he doesn't like physical contact but seeing the youngest's condition makes his heart clench, it brings back very bad memories so, he can make an effort, one of his hands strokes the younger boy's black hair and his other hand rubs the black-haired boy's back once more, waiting for the younger boy's crying to subside.

Seungcheol can't help thinking even more of his past, seeing the younger boy's condition, a solitary tear rolls down his right cheek, he sighs loudly and stands there, gently cradling Chan in his arms so that he calms down.

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