Chapter 8- A clean slate

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Sitting at the lounge, I stared into my glass inhaling the strong whiskey scent.It has been three hours, and I have calmed down now, but i am not yet ready to go back to her

"Uh-oh, they always say be scared of a pureblood sitting in a bar alone at 2 am in the morning," Tyler said as he walked in with an amused James.

"What happened now brother, is your little pet becoming too much for you to handle?" he asked with amusement.

"She called me a monster," I stated with a growl, the rage resurfacing at the thought. They both hissed, knowing how badly I hated being called a monster.

"Is she still alive?" Tyler asked, winsing.

"Yes, the girl still lives," I replied simply. They both released a breath.

"Speaking of, here is a pet for your pet," James said, putting a brown picnic basket on the counter next to me. I opened it to take a pic.

"Books?" I asked.

"Yes we actually thought about it and we think it would be best if she knew a lot more about  us than the eyes meets then she can be able to trust us without a fuss" Tyler said.

This was actually not a bad idea. It could work.
"Okay, the room is not locked from the outside. You can go deliver them," I say nonchalantly.

"Uh...we know, and since you two seem troubled, this would be the best opportunity to mend things between you both," James said.

"Uh.. no, I don't think so," I said.

"Come on, boss man, we need her on our side here, not against us," Tyler said. I shook my head.

"Look man you will have to swallow your pride and walk into that room and mend things because our lives are at stake here and I will not let your huge ego get in the way of things again" James said a little too sternley. I sighed.

"Okay, fine, I'll do the mending, but James, for your own safety, never talk to me like that again." I warned, and he nodded.

I heard sniffling and hushed sobbs upon entering the room. I slowly made my way to the girl, shivering from crying on the couch.


I felt the one side of the couch dip and a strong scent hit my nose. Wood and vanilla with just the right amount of cinnamon.

"Hey Rose, i'm sorry about earlier. I did not mean to react like that. I am so sorry if I had scared you," he said.

My sobs subsided as I listened to his apology.

"I'd appreciate it if you would look at me now," he said softly.

I sat up straight and looked at him.

"I'm sorry I am here for you, and I want you to know that I will protect from anything and everything," he said, and I could not hold in my sobs any longer.

He was speechless, and he did not know what to do or say. After a while, I felt his hands on my shoulder in a form of comfort,seconds later, he pulled me into a hug. His body was cold as ice, yet his embrace was warm enough to calm my aching heart.

"Are you alright?" he asked somberly.

I gave a small smile and a nod.

"Ohh..uh...I have something for you," he said, pulling out a small brown picnic basket, and he then he handed it to me. I took a peek inside, and i saw books. I cocked my eyebrow at the sight, and luckily, he noticed, and he started to explain.

"James and Tyler collected them for you so you could learn more about us. These past months have been hard on you. You deserve some knowledge about it, " he said softly.

"Thank you," I said in a whisper. He got up and went into the restroom while I browsed through the first page of the first book that was at the top of others. The cover was brown, and it had a golden spine. On the cover, it wrote: Society of the Vampyre.

On the first page was the table of contents, which showed topics of the books and their page numbers. "Coteries" ,"Kindred","The seven Bonds," and all other topics. I was all in and intrigued, but my eyes were all droopy and heavy. It was still in the middle of the night, after all.
The door to the bathroom opened, and a shirtless Master walked out. I stared at him, unknowingly admiring his physique. He stopped in front of me.

"You're staring," he said in a whisper.
"What? no, I am not, " I defended.
"Defensive, are we?" he chuckled. I covered my face with the thick book in my hands as I felt my cheeks turn red. He walked back to his closet but stopped before it, then he turned to me.
"How about a clean slate between us?" he suggested.
"I think I would like that," I said softly. He turned and walked into his closet.

My fingers brushed the hardcover of the book. Society of the Vampyre. Opening the first chapter and reading through it. Sitting on the window sill and reading the book while Jcobi ran his usual day schedule.

Vampires travel in coteries. A coterie is a group of vampires with one leader that is called a Master.
How is a coterie formed?
When a vampire turns a human being into a, they will be sired to the one who turned them once the process is complete, making them forever loyal to the one they shall call a master. The more humans a Master turns, the more powerful he becomes. Only a Venomus-one can turn humans into vampires.

A kindred is the human a Master turns. A kindred has a special bond to the Master and the Master will also be connected to his kindred through a bond of protection.

1. THE VOLTAIRE(highest in order)
These are the oldest vampires alive. The older, the stronger. They made laws, and they rule the vampire society.

   *Audrey Williams
  * Dakota Williams
  * Zelda Williams
  * Jude Williams
These vampires are the kindreds to the Voltair brothers. They handle Mastres' petty arguments and disagreements.

  *Jacobi Rosslind
  *Vincent Miller
  *Noland McKinley
Each Master is designated to their own coterie.

1: Royal to Royal
2:Master to Master
3:Master to Kindred
4:Kindred to Kindred
5:Master to Coterie
6:Vampire to Human
7:Royal to Master

1:Royal to Royal
This is the highest bond amongst vampires as it includes only royals. In bond, royals will share equal amounts of power, making them both powerful and stronger together. These are highly compatible."

Before I could read any further, I heard a lot of voices outside, I peeked out the window slightly, and I saw a huddle of people actual humans. They must be other vampire pets, but what were they doing.They all fell back in laughter as two boys wrestled each other.

"Would you like to join them?"

Hey, MUCHKINS update here!! Happy reading📚📚

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