Chapter 11- Yet again

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Rosey's P.O.V

Just as how the autumn hated having the winter invade it's space without rest it had no choice but to let things happen the way they were meant to happen, but the thing is in this life we always have a choice even if it is not a pleasant one to make but the point is we all have a choice. One can never understand why people do certain things or what circumstances would lead them into making the choices that led them to be where they are today, which is why we never judge. But I will judge the way humans have surrendered themselves to the vampires. Yes, Jacobi did tell me that whatever he did with the humans was out of pure will from their side.

The blood bank was crawling with humans who were more than happy to donate their blood to Jacobi. The sight of the humans willingly giving in to the vampire rulers reminded me of the line of tortured humans I saw in Demitri's cleaning lab where I was cleaned before I was sold to Jacobi The only difference is that the lab humans were in pain and unwilling, and these ones seem to  enjoy doing this.

Tyler,James,Noah, and Edda joined in after we arrived. I sat quietly with Edda, and I watched the "guys" load blood bags into the truck.

"What happens during the blood moon?" I asked Edda timidly.

"It is the night where vampires lose control over everything, including their ability to remain civil. When the moon rises tonight, it will rise a blood red color, hence the name." she explained, watching my reaction carefully. My face was expressionless, making her shoulders slump a bit since she got no reaction.

"You're good," she mumbled under her breath, I pretended not to hear.

"What are the blood bags for?" I asked again.

"Jacobi is a good man with a good heart, he wouldn't harm anyone on purpose which is why he came up with the idea of stocking the quarters  with blood bags so that the vampires without pets could not go on and harm the humans. Every year, he would make sure there is enough blood to satisfy everyone's bloodlust. " she said fondly.

"Wow, that must be a lot of work," I said, looking at Jacobi, moving the boxes filled with blood.

"It is, but he always makes it look so easy, when it's not." There was a sudden change in her tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Jacobi is a good man, but he is not as good to himself. For the past decade, he hasn't drank from the vein, and I'm sure you know that is bad for a vampire. Sometimes I wonder how many blood moons he can go through before he actually kills himself, " she said.

" He might die for not drinking from the vein?" I asked.

"It's not only about him drinking from the vein, but Jacobi has been living without any source of blood for decades. Who knows how long he has left?" she said.

"Have you talked to him about this?" I asked.

"We have all tried, but he just would assure us that he was fine and close the topic completely. Maybe you can try to convince him, " she said enthusiastically.

"What me?" I asked, shocked." Why me?"

"You are the only one who will be sane enough to talk to him at that moment, please" she pleaded sneaking into my pocket a black sack with what i guessed had a blood bag in it.

Jacobi walked over to us, and Edda composed herself, and I did the same. He gave me his hand to take as a sign that we were leaving. Edda gave me a curt nod, and soon she was out from view. I guess tonight I was a lady on a mission. I know it's crazy that I would even agree to do such, but I understand Edda's worry. If Jacobi dies, the entire cotery will go rogue due to their connection to him. They are nothing without their Master just like how wolves are nothing without their alpha's. 

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